AEI for Installation Support
Thursday, 17 October 1996
with a flash. For conventional film photographs, care is needed during picture taking and
reproduction to ensure clarity in the final reproduced product. Insufficient or excessive lighting
may diminish the clarity of a photograph by making the photocopies too dark or too light. A
major advantage of digital imaging is the ability to modify or edit images to correct for lighting.
This can be accomplished after the image is captured using PC software.
(2) Digital Cameras. Economical point and shoot digital cameras (some under 0) with
adequate image resolution are available now. Some camera models come with Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD) screens that allow immediate viewing of captured images. This can help in
determining whether an image may or may not be adequate for photocopying before returning to
the office.
(3) Reduce Travel Costs. In order to reduce travel costs to remote locations,
consideration should be given to have resident offices purchase digital cameras. The images can
be transmitted electronically to the designer's PC and workstation.
12. DESIGN CRITERIA AND ANALYSIS (if applicable). Designs should comply with
the AEI, Design Criteria (when applicable) and pertinent regulations, including AR 415-15.
Additionally, for utility systems, designs should comply with all applicable regulations, including
AR 420-46, AR 420-47, and AR 420-49. For energy related issues refer to Federal Regulation 10
CFR 435. For cost effective design related issues refer to Federal Regulation 10 CFR 436.
a. General. Design analyses should be complete and kept to the minimum necessary to
ensure the adequacy of the design.
b. Renovations and Replacements. The design analysis should reflect the customer (s)
articulated needs and desires. When applicable, the design analysis will also substantiate that all
building components and systems, renovated or replaced, will be upgraded or replaced to comply
with the latest, life cycle, cost-effective technologies, where technically feasible for the application
at hand. Additionally, renovated and replaced components and systems must be upgraded or
replaced to comply with all applicable, life safety, environmental, fire protection, energy and water
conservation, seismic, accessibility, and similar standards, laws, and regulations. The AEI, Design
Criteria is recommended as the primary source of reference to identify current, applicable
standards, laws, and regulations. For existing interrelated systems, such as Utility and Monitoring
and Control Systems (UMCS), HVAC control systems, and telecommunication systems,
replacement components and systems should be compatible, where technically and economically
c. Standard Design Analysis Sheets. Standard design analysis sheets should be developed
by each design agency for use with the Installation Support process. The Installation Support