Prime and asterisk superscripts are added respectively to air and liquid coolant properties to avoid
confusion with the properties of other materials. Numerical subscripts are used to identify specific
variables in a given equation, but have otherwise no general symbolic value. Brackets around the
chemical symbol indicated the concentration or volume fraction of that component in the air.
B-3. Equation
equations) are used to reduce the complexity of the main equations to a format suitable for computer
programming. Negative exponents are used where the slash bar indicating division is not practical.
c. Brackets and parenthesis are used to enclose arguments of functions or indicate factors. The
argument of a function is limited to the enclosed terms immediately following the function sign.
Brackets and parenthesis are alternated in nested expressions. Within each set of parenthesis
operations and functions are performed in the normal algebraic order:
(2) exponentiation and roots
(4) addition and subtraction