Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Of Hardened Installations
Chapter 1: Introduction - ufc_3_410_03fa0008Operating modes.Hardened configuration.Hardened configuration. - ContinuedChapter 2. Design ConsiderationsCombustion Air.Vitiated Air.Table 2-1 : Typical Personnel Metabolic RatesTable 2-2. Properties Of Air Regenerastion ChemicalsTemperature And Humidity.Table 2-3. Himidity Tolerance of Selected MaterialsInternal Loads - ufc_3_410_03fa0019Table 2-3. Humidity Tolerance of Selected MaterialsMoisture loads.External load.Chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) protection.Air distribution and fire protection.Protective closuresExclusion of solid and surface contaminantsSurvivability And Reliability.Table 2-4. Particulate FiltersChapter 3: Underground HeattransferUnderground Conduction Standard Calculation Method.Underground Conduction Standard Calculation Method. - Continued - ufc_3_410_03fa0031Underground Conduction Standard Calculation Method. - Continued - ufc_3_410_03fa0032Figure 3-1. Wall Flux Ratio Of Equivalent cylinder Or Sphere.Figure 3-2. Thermal Resistance Factor, Cylinder Model , Warm -upFigure 33. Thermal Resistance Factor, Sphere Model, Warm-up.Figure 3-4. Thermal Conductance Factor, Cylinder Model HoldingFigure 3.5 Thermal Conductance Factor Sphere Model Holding Underground Conduction Shorcut calculation Method.Figure 3-6. Underground Cavity, Typical Isotherms.Figure 3-7. Rock Shell VolumeFigure 3-8. Typical Warm-up Temperature ProfilesFigure 3-9. Volume Averaged Rock Shell Temperature Ratio.Tunnel intake air tempering.Tunnel intake air tempering. - ContinuedFigure 3-10. Tunnel Air Temperature, Amplitude And Lag Factors.Thermal properties of rock.Temperature.Table 3-1. Typical Thermal Properties Of Various Materials Estimated Igneous Rock PropertiesFigure 3-12. Unfrozen Silt And clay Soil Conductivity.Figure 3-13. Frozen Silt And Clay Soils conductivity. Figure 3-14. Unfrozen Sandy Soil Conductivity.Figure 3-15. Frozen Sandy Soil Conductivity.Thermal Properties of Materials And Structures.Trend Analysis.Table 3-2 : Selected Parameters For Trend AnalysisFigure 3-16. Warm-up Heat Flux for K = 1.2 and 25F Differential.Figure 3-17. Warm Up Heat Flux =1.7 And 25 F Differential .Figure 3-18. Holding Heat Flux For k = 1.2 and 25 f Differential.Figure 3-19. Holding Heat Flux fork = 1-7 and 25 f Differential.Sample Problems. - ufc_3_410_03fa0061Sample Problems Cont. - ufc_3_410_03fa0062Sample Problems Cont. - ufc_3_410_03fa0063Sample Problems Cont. - ufc_3_410_03fa0064Sample Problems Cont. - ufc_3_410_03fa0065Sample Problems Cont. - ufc_3_410_03fa0066Sample Problems Cont. - ufc_3_410_03fa0067Sample Problems Cont. - ufc_3_410_03fa0068Chapter 4: HVAC Equipment Table 4-1. Performance Of the Dry Media Particulate FiltersCBR Filters.Figure 4-1. CB Particulate and Gas FilterFigure 4.2. CB Gas Filter Model FFU-17/EFigure 4-3. CB Filter Assembly.Coils And Piping.Figure 4-4. Bladder type Atternuator for Chilled water.Refrigeration Equipment.Humidity control systems.Computer area cooling.Boilers and heat recovery.Chapter 5. Waste Heat Disposal Once through and recirculated reservoirs. Iced Reservoirs.Solid ice heat sinks.Sample problems. - ufc_3_410_03fa0085Sample problems. - Continued - ufc_3_410_03fa0086Table 5-1. Comparison of 10 Capacity day Heat SinksSample problems. - Continued - ufc_3_410_03fa0088Table 5-2. Reservoirs length Versus Time At Fixed 400 Ft And SectionSample problems. - Continued - ufc_3_410_03fa0090Sample problems. - Continued - ufc_3_410_03fa0091Cooling towers.Figure 5-1. Typical Hardened Cooling Water System Radiators.Radiators. - ContinuedChapter 6. Decontamination FacilitiesEntrances.Figure 6-1. Corridor Type Decontamination Facility RetrofitFigure 6-2. M2 Permeable Membrane Door Decontamination.Figure 63: Dual Decontamination FacilityFigure 6-4. Decontamination Facility Sized for 18 People Per Hour Figure 6-5. Contaminated Clothes Chute Ventilation.Figure 6 - 6. Air Pressure Regulator M1Figure 6-7. Antiback-Draft ValveAppendix B: Units, Symbols, and Equations - Continued - ufc_3_410_03fa0109Appendix B: Units, Symbols, and Equations - Continued - ufc_3_410_03fa0110Glossary - ufc_3_410_03fa0111Glossary - Continued - ufc_3_410_03fa0112