h) Connect steam, high temperature hot water, gas, and
electric meters to the DDC for remote monitoring of energy use of
the building.
Standard Sequences of Operations
General Requirements. These requirements shall apply
to primary HVAC systems unless modified herein. The sequences
describe actions of the control system in one direction of change
in the HVAC process analog variable, such as temperature,
humidity, or pressure. The reverse sequence shall occur when
direction of change is reversed unless specifically modified.
Operation of HVAC System. Equipment shall be operated
in the optimized start, occupied, or unoccupied modes.
a) The optimized start mode energizes the equipment at
maximum capacity at the latest time required for heating up (or
cooling down) the space to normal occupied temperature
b) The occupied mode maintains the occupied conditions
under all load variations while providing required ventilation.
Supply fan operates continuously.
c) The unoccupied mode cycles the equipment to
maintain a minimum heating temperature (or a maximum cooling
temperature) in the space while providing no ventilation.
Operation of Outside Air, Return Air, and Exhaust
(Relief) Air Dampers
a) Optimized Start Mode: Outside air and exhaust air
dampers are closed and return air dampers are opened.
b) Occupied Mode: Outside air dampers are opened to
the minimum ventilation air position. If an economizer outside
air cycle is provided, the outside air, return air, and exhaust
air dampers are automatically controlled. An outdoor air dry
bulb sensor disables the economizer cycle and maintains minimum
ventilation air when the outside air dry bulb temperature exceeds
the changeover point.
c) Unoccupied Mode: Outside air and exhaust air
dampers are closed and return air dampers are opened.
Operation of Filtration System. Differential pressure
sensor measuring static pressure drop across the filter shall
initiate alarm when pressure drop exceeds recommended value.