d) Provide clothes dryer vents independent of other
exhaust systems. Include a makeup system for systems exhausting
more than 200 cubic feet per minute. If the exhaust duct exceeds
the manufacturer's recommended length, provide a fan sized for
maximum cubic feet per minute of dryer(s). Specify galvanized
steel or aluminum exhaust ducts without fasteners that could trap
lint. Limit duct velocity to 2000 feet per minute. Calculate
fan static pressure from the point of the most distant vent
connection to the exhaust duct to the exhaust air discharge.
Provide access in the duct for cleanout every 10 feet and at the
bottom of vertical risers. Provide a backdraft damper without
bird or insect screen at the exhaust air discharge. Locate the
fan out of the exhaust air stream. Interlock the exhaust fan
(and makeup air system if provided) to operate when any dryer