TI 811-12
18 August 1998
a. The sequence of events necessary to implement a UMCS is described, but will vary depending
on the project complexity and scheduling.
b. The sequence of events is divided into several categories.
Viability Survey.
Information collection.
Buildings and systems selection.
Design kickoff meeting.
Design survey.
UMCS design.
Savings calculation.
Cost Estimates.
DD form 1391 validation.
(10) Preparation of contract documents.
2. VIABILITY SURVEY. The using facility is responsible for the initial list of buildings and systems to
be considered as candidates for inclusion in a UMCS. Site specific experience and available utility
records are used in determining which buildings and systems offer the largest potential energy savings.
This initial investigation determines which of the buildings are included as candidates in the project,
based on current guidelines relating to payback period, energy saved per dollar of investment, and other
factors. A viability survey is performed to confirm the applicability of the candidate buildings for UMCS.
This viability survey is performed in sufficient detail for preparation of a DD form 1391 and supporting
documentation or other funding documents, as appropriate. Specific requirements for performing the
viability survey are at Appendix C.
3. INFORMATION COLLECTION FOR DESIGN. A necessary task in the implementation of a UMCS
is to retrieve pertinent information related to the buildings and systems which are candidates for inclusion
in the project. The information to be retrieved includes the following:
a. As-built design and/or shop record drawings for the buildings and systems preselected by the
facility engineer. The record drawings will be verified by comparing them to actual conditions in the field
during the design survey.
b. Equipment lists and schedules as a source in identifying large energy users. Equipment lists for
the various buildings and systems may be available, separate from the as-built record drawings. All
equipment considered for inclusion in the UMCS will be field checked during the design survey to ensure
that the equipment is still being used.