TI 811-12
18 August 1998
Flue gas temperature
Makeup or feed water flow
Furnace draft
Hot water pressure ( hot water boilers)
(m) Hot water supply temperature (hot water boilers)
Hot water return temperature (hot water boilers)
Steam flow (steam boilers)
Steam pressure (steam boilers)
Steam temperature (steam boilers, superheat only)
Steam BTUs (steam boilers)
Feedwater temperature (steam boilers)
Boiler drum level (steam boilers)
Program Outputs.
Boiler enable/disable control signal
Boiler enable/disable permissive to boiler operator for manual control
Boiler efficiency
c. Application Notes. The hardware and software inputs described are not necessarily required in
every case. The designer will study the existing or new system to determine which of the parameters are
necessary. Extreme care will be observed when providing automatic start/stop of boilers in lieu of
operator supervised startups.
9. CHILLER SELECTION PROGRAM. The chiller selection program is implemented in chilled water
plants with multiple chillers. Based on chiller operating data and the energy input requirements obtained
from the manufacturer for each chiller, the program will select the chiller or chillers required to meet the
load with the minimum energy consumption. When a chiller or chillers are started, chiller capacity must be
limited (prevented from going to full load) for a predetermined period to allow the system to stabilize in
order to determine the actual cooling load. Comparison of equipment characteristics vs. the actual
operating chiller characteristics makes it possible to determine when heat transfer surfaces need cleaning
to maintain the highest efficiency. The program must follow the manufacturer's startup and shutdown
sequence requirements. Interlocks shown between chilled water pumps, condenser water pumps, and
chiller will be in accordance with the chiller manufacturer's requirements. Chillers may be started
automatically by the UMCS or manually by the chiller operator depending on the site's operating
requirements. Design requirements for this applications program will be indicated by the letter X adjacent
to the program listing on the appropriate database table, as shown in Chapters 8 and 9.
a. Field hardware requirements. The hardware requirements are: