UFC 3-400-02
28 FEBRUARY 2003
MCAS--Marine Corps air station
MCB--Marine Corps base
MC Dewpt--Mean Coincident Dewpoint
MCDB--Mean of dry bulb temperatures
MCHR--Mean Coincident Humidity Ratio
MCWB--Mean of wet bulb temperatures
mph--Miles per hour (wind speed)
NAS--Naval Air Station
NAF--Naval Air Facility
NAVFACENGCOM--Naval Facilities Engineering Command
NCDC--National Climatic Data Center
NRC--Naval Reserve Center
NREL--National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NS--Naval Station
NSA--Naval Support Activity
POR--Period of record
RH--Relative humidity
ton-hr/cfm/yr--Ton-hours of load per cubic foot per minute per year (Btu12,000)
USACE--US Army Corps of Engineers
VCLI--Ventilation Cooling Load Index
WBAN No--W eather Bureau Army Navy number, an identification number for solar
radiation data stations in NREL's Solar Radiation Data Manual for Buildings
WMO--W orld Meteorological Organization