UFC 3-400-02
28 FEBRUARY 2003
AAF--Army Air Field
AB--Air Base
AFB--Air Force Base
AFCCC--Air Force Combat Climatology Center
AFCESA--Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency
AFM--Air Force Manual
AFS--Air Force Station
ANGB--Air National Guard Base
ANGS--Air National Guard Station
ANSI-- American National Standards Institute
ARB--Air Reserve Base
ARS--Air Reserve Station
ASHRAE/IESNA-- American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning
Engineers/Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
Btu--British thermal units
Btu/cfm--British thermal units per cubic foot per minute
Btu/lb--British thermal units per pound of air (enthalpy)
Btu/sq. ft./day--British thermal units per square foot per day (solar radiation)
Cfm--Cubic foot per minute
DOD--Department of Defense
EWD--Engineering W eather Data
gr/lb--Grains per pound (humidity ratio, grains of water vapor per pound of air)
g/kg--Grams per kilogram (humidity ratio, grams of water vapor per kilogram of air)
in. Hg--Inches of mercury (atmospheric pressure)
in.--Inches (frost depth)
in./hr--Inches per hour (rain rate)
klux-hr--Thousands of lux-hours (average incident illuminance)
lb/ft --pounds per square foot (snow load)
LST--Local Standard Time