waste-heat rejection system cooling water if a
This system has virtually no aerobic bacterial ac-
fresh-water heat sink system is used. Provide for a
tion, only limited anaerobic action and methane
consumption rate of 4 gallons (O. 54 cubic feet) per
generation; however, as a precaution, the entire
man-day. Waste water will be disposed to the facil-
system would be vented to a catalytic oxidizer, a
ity drainage reservoir. The hygienic water supply
should be chlorinated to inhibit bacterial growth.
tivated charcoal filter, in that order. The residual
gases will be negligible, and processing through
i. Waste disposal. Solid wastes will be compact-
the ventilation air-revitalization system should be
ed to minimize storage space and fire hazard. Gar-
practicable. Sludge storage tank capacity may be
bage and sanitary waste will be disposed of by the
conservatively sized at 0.5 gallons per man-day of
same type of waterless recirculating oil flushed dis-
personnel occupancy. The typical minimum tank
posal systems being used increasingly by the U.S.
capacity is 200 gallons and actual capacity is usual-
Park and Forest Services at locations where con-
ly based on sludge pump-out at 30-day intervals.
ventional sewage systems are impractical. These
To this must be added capacity to accommodate the
systems use a mineral oil flushing and cover fluid,
survival period.
which is filtered, chlorinated, and recirculated.