b. Quarters. In
the absence of other
assemblies must bear the Underwriter's Laborato-
tions, quarters planning and space allowances will
ry Class "B" label.
be based on the specifications provided in appendix
c. Elimination of combustible materials should
remove the potential for a class "A" fire. However,
c. Furnishings. All furnishings will be built in or
if there is a Class "A" hazard and if exposed equip-
securely anchored to the structure to resist accel-
ment can tolerate water, use high-pressure water
erations of not less than 1 g in any direction. All
fog or water-based foam extinguishing systems.
movable supply items will be stored in racks, draw-
Where water or water-based foam are used, the
ers or cabinets where they can be secured against
dehumidification system will be sized to reestablish
within 24 hours the relative humidity selected for
companied by displacements on the order of inches,
operating conditions.
in any direction. Walkways, walls, fixed equip-
d. Wherever possible, specify airtight enclo-
ment, and furnishings in occupied areas will be pro-
sures for any equipment subject to Class "B" or
vided with continuous handrails or grab bars for
"C" fires, and specify an internal atmosphere of ni-
personnel safety under ground-shock effects.
trogen or carbon dioxide to be maintained in the
d. Lighting systems. Lighting is exclusively a
enclosures. For facilities having closed ventilation
personnel-dependent system and fixed lighting
systems, a carbon dioxide cover should be used,
should be limited to normally occupied areas. To
leakage should be monitored, and the absorption
minimize lighting requirements, interior finishes
system sized so that CO2 concentration never ex-
will be light colored. Lighting levels in occupied
ceeds 5 percent at any time, 4 percent for more
areas will be the minimum consistent with safety
than 8 hours, nor 1 percent for more than 24 hours.
and efficient operations. Lighting calculations and
Normal waste heat generated within artificial at-
layout should be based on: use of high-efficiency
mospheres of carbon dioxide or nitrogen will be re-
fluorescent lamps producing not less than 70 lu-
moved by fan-coil units mounted inside the
mens per watt for lamps rated at 25 watts or more;
and use of high-efficiency fixtures without baffles
e. Facility operational procedures will stress
or covers. All lighting fixtures and conduits will be
quick fire control by personnel using fire hoses
with fog nozzles or portable Class BC foam, or
rection. Emergency lighting will be supplied by in-
powdered dry chemical or carbon dioxide extin-
candescent, battery-charged units using sealed-cell
guishers. Carbon dioxide extinguishers should not
batteries; the complete assemblies will be mounted
be supplied where foam or powdered chemical ex-
to resist 1 g acceleration.
tinguishers are acceptable. Foams and dry chemi-
e. Supplies. Storage of consumable supplies
cals must be limited to those that do not release
within hardened facilities is based on continuous
toxic vapors or gases when heated. Never use car-
personnel occupancy for drills, alert periods, and
bon tetrachloride extinguishers.
the postattack survival periods. Supplies consumed
f. Personnel gas masks should be provided in re-
during drills and alert periods will be replaced
dundant and readily accessible locations. Masks
weekly so that the maximum supply inventory
meeting U.S. Bureau of Mines Standards will be
need not exceed that required for the specified sur-
used whenever it is necessary for personnel to en-
vival period plus one week.
ter an area where there is a fire or where a fire has
f. Food. The food supply will maximize use of
prepared dehydrated foods and minimize require-
ments for refrigeration and cooking. Food will be
5-4. Personnel support services.
heated in well-insulated ovens vented directly to
a. Quantitative. Personnel support services will
air revitalization equipment to avoid odors in venti-
vary with the facility prime mission and with the
lation air.
maximum possible number of personnel within the
g. Potable water supply. Potable water will be
facility at the time of attack. The possibility of at-
stored in sterile, sealed containers suitable for use
tack during change of shift must be included. The
in pipeless unit dispensers and will be taken from
specified personnel survival period is likely to be
the stored supply in order of time of storage (first
based on the predicted radiation hazard, independ-
in/first out). Water will be checked regularly for
ent of the prime mission endurance, and will prob-
ably be 30 days or more. Consequently, differences
h. Hygienic water. Water for washing and
in the required personnel support services will be
showers can be piped for the return side of the
quantitative rather than qualitative.