TI 809-51
15 September 1999
D-1. Purpose. This appendix defines the key components of the Installation Report that
summarize the results of the seismic review of buildings at a given military installation.
D-2. Installation Report Components
a. Executive Summary. The following items shall be summarized in the front of the
(1) The total number of buildings designated for review
(2) The number of buildings exempted by the criteria defined in Appendix A
(3) The total number of structurally similar building groups reviewed.
b. Seismic Vulnerability Ranking. A listing of the structurally similar building groups
reviewed, ranked in ascending numerical order based on their structural scores. This will result
in the ranking of the building groups from highest seismic vulnerability (lowest structural scores)
to lowest seismic vulnerability (highest structural scores). The listing shall include:
(1) Building Group number
(2) The building number of the representative building reviewed in each group
(3) The structural score for each group
(4) The FEMA 310 Model Building Type of the building reviewed
(5) The number of stories of the building reviewed
(6) The construction date of the building reviewed
(7) The Seismic Use Group (Table 1-1) of the building reviewed.
c. Building List. A listing of the buildings designated for review arranged numerically by
building number, with the following information for each building:
(1) Building number
(2) Building title
(3) Building group number
(4) The number of stories
(5) Gross area