TI 809-51
30 September 1999
If any of the following conditions apply to a building under consideration, the building's
structural system will be exempted from the seismic review procedures.
A-1. A building whose occupancy or function is defined in Table 1-1 as Seismic Use Group
I, and:
a. Is intended only for minimal human occupancy, or occupied by persons for a total of
less than 2 hours a day.
b. Is a detached one- or two-family dwelling, two stories or less, and is located in a
region of moderate seismicity as defined by FEMA 310, Table 2-1.
c. Has a gross area of less than 50 square meters (500 square feet).
d. Is a one-story building of wood, FEMA 310 Model Building Type, (MB1&2) or steel
light frame (MB5) construction, and has a gross area of less than 280 square meters (3,000
square feet).
e. Is abandoned or scheduled for demolition or replacement within 5 years.
A-2. Buildings in any Seismic Use Group, except as designated in the subparagraphs
below, which were designed in accordance with the provisions of the 1982 or later edition of
TM5-809-10, or the 1986 or later edition of TM5-809-10-1.
a. Steel braced frame systems (MB4) designed to 1988 UBC or later edition of TM 5-809-
EXCEPTION: All steel moment frame systems with welded flange connections shall be
reviewed by special criteria not provided in this document.
A-3. All buildings that are either fully or partially leased to the government.