TM 5-809-6/AFM 88-3, Chap. 6
5-1. General
External Corrosion Protection of Underground Steel Storage
Tanks for guidance in protecting this type of tank.
Design of structures for bulk materials will include con-
c. Tanks. Design of structural systems for tanks will
sideration of the special characteristics of the material being
include the necessary interfaces between the supporting
handled or stored. Design values for material density,
structure or base and the tank itself. For that reason, it is
maximum conveyor slopes, etc., will be carefully determined,
important that the agency designing the support structure be
and consideration will be given to the need for special
familiar with the specifications applicable to the tank.
structural construction or supports to assure the smooth flow
(1) References. The following are amoung the refer-
of materials into or out of the tanks or bins used for bulk
ences applicable to structural design fot tanks in addition to
those indicated above:
(a) Department of the Navy NAVFAC DM-22.
5-2. For granular materials
(b) American Petroleum Institute (API) Publications
a. Silos, bins, and bunkers. Design of these types of
1615 and 1632 and Standard 2000.
structures, if constructed from steel or other metal, will be in
(c) American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Steel
accordance with procedures presented in Design of Welded
Tanks for Liquid Storage.
Structures by Blodgett and the Structural Engineering
(d) Steel Tank Institute (STI) Dual Wall Under-
Handbook by Gaylord & Gaylord. If constructed of concrete,
ground Steel Storage Tanks, Recommended Practice for
design of these types of structures will be in accordance with
Optional Interior Corrosion Control System for Steel Tanks,
ACI 313, Handbook of Concrete Engineering by Fintel, and
and Guideline for Underground Piping for Fuel Storage
Silos: Theory & Practice by Reimbert & Reimbert.
b. Conveyor system supports. Design of conveyor
(e) Portland Cement Association (PCA) IS003.02D
system supports will be in accordance with relevant
and 15072.1D.
publications of the Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers
(f) American Concrete Institute (A CI) 344R, 344R-
Association (CEMA) such as Belt Conveyors for Bulk
T, 344R-W, and 35O R.
Materials and cited references. Design loads will be
(g) Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) JR-
determined from ANSI A58.1 where applicable and as
furnished by the conveyor system manufacturer. The design
(2) Additional considerations. Additional considera-
agency will verify that appropriate impact factors have been
tions apply to tank design depending on the type of tank and
included in loads provided by the conveyor system
other factors as discussed in the following.
(a) Elevated tanks. Design of elevated tanks will
include consideration of lateral loads due to earthquake as
5-3. For liquid materials
set forth in TM 5-809-10/NAVFAC P-355/AFM 88-3,
a. General. Structures associated with the storage and
Chapter 13. For individual leg foundations, the weight of the
handling of bulk liquid materials will be designed in ac-
foundation alone (not considering weight of the earth cover)
cordance with the codes and standards applicable to the type
will provide a minimum safety factor of 1.2 against uplift,
of material being handled. Earthquake loads will be in
overturning, and sliding.
accordance with TM 5-809-10/NAVFAC P-355/AFM 88-3,
(b) Ground-level tanks. The provisions of NAVFAC
Chapter 13. Among the codes and standards applicable to
DM-7.2 will apply to the design of foundations for ground
the design of structures for bulk liquid materials are AWWA
level tanks. Although ring beams are required only for tank
D100, AWWA D103, AWWA D110, AWWA D120, API
foundations in seismic zones 3 or 4, this type of construction
650, and the Structural Engineering Handbook by Gaylord
or comparable provisions necessary to prevent frost heave
& Gaylord.
will be made in all areas. Consideration will be given to the
b. Materials. Selection of materials of construction for
need for and alternate means of accomplishing corrosion
tanks in which liquids are to be stored will consider the
protection of the underside of the tank floor plates.
environmental conditions to which the tank will be exposed
(3) Below-grade. Design of below-grade or buried
as well as the properties of the liquid being stored. In
tanks will consider the potential bouyancy of the tank, and a
general, inherently corrosion-resistant materials should be
suitable ballast slab or other anchoring system will be
selected for buried tanks although steel tanks will be
provided to assure that the tank will not float when the dead
acceptable if properly protected against corrosion. See Steel
weight of the empty tank and soil cover directly over the tank
Tank Institute (STI) sti-P3 Specification and Manual for
are insufficient to prevent flotation. Dual walled tanks will
be used consistent with requirements of the Environmental