TM 5-809-6/AFM 88-3, Chap. 6
2-1. Materials
b. Concrete. Concrete properties will be selected to suit
the expected conditions. Type H (modified) or Type V
a. General. Although this chapter covers only certain
(sulfate resisting cement) will be used for concrete exposed
materials and special considerations for those materials when
to salt water or similar environments. For further discussion
used in particular applications, the category of structures
of considerations in selecting appropriate composition and
"other than buildings" includes possible applications for
properties for concrete, see Portland Cement Association
virtually any material type. In general, requirements for
(PCA) EB00lT. Concrete strengths for structures other than
materials used in structures other than buildings will be in
buildings will be in accordance with table 2-1. Concrete
accordance with paragraph 2-2a unless prior approval is
cover for protection of reinforcing will be increased when the
obtained from the appropriate headquarters. In addition,
structure is exposed to salt water or other corrosive
consideration will be given to fire protection requirements
conditions unless other means are employed to protect
regarding material selection as set forth in MIL-HDBK-
reinforcing from corrosion.
Table 2-1. Concrete Strengths
Minimum Strength
Mass concrete not exposed to atmospheric conditions or other deteriorating agents
2000 psi
where mass rather than strength is the principal considerations.
3000 psi
Structures to contain noncorrosive
3000 to
fluids (tanks and reservoirs).
4000 psi
Waterfront structures on fresh water.
4000 psi
Reinforced concrete structures over seawater which are sufficiently elevated so that
4000 psi
they are not ordinarily wetted by salt water.
Mass concrete exposed to seawater from 3 feet below low water to 3 feet above high
4000 psi
water or above normal wave action.
Reinforced concrete decks of waterfront structures where the underside is frequently
4000 to
wetted by salt water.
5000 psi
c. Fiber-reinforced concrete. Concrete and cementitious
(1) Corrosion-resistant steel. Use of corrosion-resis-
mortar can be reinforced with alkali-resistant, chopped-glass
tant steel will be in accordance with the following. Steel
fibers, short steel fibers, or various organic plastic fibers to
conforming to ASTM A 690 wilibe used asset forth in MIL-
obtain enhanced strength, ductility, and toughness when
HDBK-1025/6. Use of corrosion-resistant steel conforming
compared to plan concrete and mortar. Fiber-reinforced
to ASTM A 242 or A 588 is restricted. This type of steel
concrete will be used only if approved by the appropriate
will not be used in areas where the atmosphere contains salt
headquarters. Design guidance and typical material
spray and will not be used in a seawater environment. It
properties can be found in American Concrete Institute
offers no benefit, and ASTM A 36 material is a better
(ACI) 544.1R, 544.2R, 544.3R, 544.4R, SP-81, and SP-
choice. This type of steel will not be used in buried
105 and in Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI)
structures unless coated nor will it be used in locations where
rust staining of the supporting elements is objectionable.
d. Steel materials. Structural steel materials for typical
(2) Stainless steel. Use of stainless steel conforming to
applications will conform to American Society for Testing
ASTM A 666, Types 306 or 316 is restricted. This material
and Materials (ASTM) A 36, A 53, A 500, and A 572.
will not be used in salt spray zones, in buried applications,