TM 5-809-6/AFM 88-3, Chap. 6
1-1. Purpose
unusual structures, and other pertinent data. The approval
will apply to the specific project for which the special design
This manual establishes structural design criteria for struc-
use was requested and will not apply to other projects
tures other than buildings, furnishes design guidance for
involving a similar application.
various types of structures, and identifies special con-
siderations with regard to certain materials in specific
1-5. Overseas construction
Where local material of grades other than those referenced
1-2. Scope
herein are to be used, working stresses, yield strengths, and
details of construction will be modified as necessary to
Structures other than buildings which are covered by this
reliably represent the performance of the local material.
manual include the following: bridges; dock and harbor
Local material will be of equivalent or better grade than
facilities; drainage structures; bulk material structures; water
comparable materials referenced herein.
and wastewater structures; and mechanical, electrical, and
communication structures. Types of structures not covered
1-6. Stability
include dams and pavements for which guidance can be
found in other manuals. These criteria apply to all groups
Unless noted otherwise, stability relates to sliding, over-
and agencies responsible for the design of military facilities.
turning, buoyancy, and other sources of gross displacement
and not to stability as related to buckling. Except for
1-3. References
foundation elements, a structure or any of its elements will
be designed to provide a minimum safety factor of 2.0
Appendix A contains a list of references used in this docu-
against failure by sliding, overturning, or uplift. This
required degree of stability will be provided solely by the
dead load plus any permanent anchorage. When load
1-4. Special designs
Prior approval for special designs will be obtained from the
maximize potential uplift, the specified load factor on dead
appropriate headquarters (HQUSACE (CEMP-ET) WASH,
load is less than 1.0 (usually + 0.9), and this load factor will
DC 20314-1000 for Army projects; and HO, USAF/CECE,
be used for stability calculations.
Boiling AFB, WASH, DC 20332-5000 for Air Force
projects). The request for approval will contain a complete
1-7. Basic design reference
statement of the reasons for using such a system, including
TM 5-809-2/AFM 88-3, Chapter 2 will be the basic refer-
competitive costs, proposed special criteria and controls as
ence for design of structures other than buildings.
applicable, performance history or tests (if available), the use
of a recognized structural consultant for the design of the