TI 809-26
1 March 2000
steels, is currently considered unnecessary for ordinary building-type applications.
b. Fatigue Applications. Toughness requirements should be considered for applications involving
fatigue. As a guide, the toughness values specified in ASTM A709 / A709M, Table S1.1 and S1.2,
summarized and adapted in Table 4-4, may be used for redundant fatigue applications. Modifications to
this table are suggested for steels that have yield strengths 103 MPa (15 ksi) or more above the
minimum specified yield strengths, for all but A36 steels. See the ASTM A709 / A709M specification for
appropriate changes to the testing temperatures for these cases. For nonredundant fatigue applications,
see ASTM A709 / A709M, Table S1.3 for guidance. The required CVN toughness and testing
temperature may be specified directly in the specifications for the project, to be placed on the mill order.
Alternatively, a given ASTM A709 / A709M steel and temperature zone may be specified.