TI 809-07
30 November 1998
Psymax = the maximum yield strength of the diagonal strap(s) in the shear panel, in the axis of the
strap. This is determined as follows:
Psy max = Fsy max nsb s t s
(Eq 3-32)
Ls = the diagonal strap eccentricity equal to the distance from the center of the diagonal strap-to-
column connection to the center of the column-to-anchor connection, perpendicular to the
axis of the diagonal strap.
c. Anchor Bolt Design. The anchor bolts that fasten the column anchors to the reinforced
concrete beam or slab are next designed. The same detail used in the anchors at the base of the column
shall be used in the anchor at the top of the column. The anchor bolts shall be sized based on the bolt
shear strength, Pv tensile strength, Pt and cone failure design strength, Pc. The anchor bolt shear design
strength, Pv shall exceed the applied shear load per bolt, PhAB. This is expressed as follows:
Phu max
Pv ≥ PhAB =
(Eq 3-33)
n AB
π 2
Pv = φ tv Fv
d AB
(Eq 3-34)
nAB = the number of anchor bolts in the anchor on both sides of the column
φtv = the tensile and shear resistance factor (0.75 ).
Fv = the nominal shear strength of the anchor bolts.11
dAB = the diameter of the anchor bolt.
Phumax = the maximum shear panel horizontal force defined by Equation 3-24.
The anchor bolt-tensile design strength, Pt shall exceed the applied tensile force per bolt, PtAB. The
anchor bolt tensile strength, Pt is determined as follows:
π 2
Pt = φ tv Ft
d AB
(Eq 3-35)
Ft = the nominal tensile strength of the anchor bolts determined by the minimum value given in
AISC LRFD, Tables J3.2 (Design Strength of Fasteners) and J3.5 (Tension Stress Limit (Ft)
for Fasteners in Bearing-type Connections. The value of fv used in Table J3.5 is determined
as follows:
fv =
(Eq 3-36)
π 2
d AB
AISC LRFD, Table J3.2, Design Strength of Fasteners.
AISC LRFD, Table J3.2, Design Strength of Fasteners.
American Concrete Institute (ACI), Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 3, State-of-the-Art Report on Anchorage to Concrete ACI
355.1R-91, 1991, equation 3.1.