UFC 3-310-01
25 May 2005
IBC Section 1607 LIVE LOADS. Replace table 1607.1, Minimum
Uniformly Distributed Live Loads and Minimum Concentrated Live Loads, with table B-1
of this UFC. Table B-1 includes IBC Table 1607.1 with additional Occupancy or Use
classifications for military facilities. The additional classifications that have been added
to IBC Table 1607.1 for military facilities are shown in bold italics within Table B-1.
IBC Section 1608 SNOW LOADS. Ground snow loads are identified in
Appendices C and D for specific locations.
Locations with ground snow load of `CS' indicates that site specific Case
Studies are required to establish ground snow loads due to potential extreme local
variations in local ground snow loads.
1-6.3.1 Within the United States. Ground snow loads at DOD installations within the
United States, territories and possessions are identified in table C-1 to facilitate
consistent interpretation of the information provided in figure 1608.2 and table 1608.2 of
the IBC.
1-6.3.2 Outside of the United States. Ground snow loads at specific locations
outside of the United States, territories and possessions are identified in table D-1. At
locations where the ground snow load is not provided, use the best available locality
information. For additional guidance contact the authorizing design agency.
Section 1609 WIND LOADS. Basic wind speeds (3-second gust) are
identified in Appendices C and D for specific locations.
Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and locations designated
as `Special' must be examined for unusual wind conditions.
1-6.4.1 Within the United States. Basic wind speeds at DOD installations within the
United States, territories and possessions are identified in table C-1 to facilitate
consistent interpretation of the information provided in figure 1609 of the IBC.
1-6.4.2 Outside of the United States. Basic wind speeds at specific locations
outside of the United States, territories and possessions are identified in table D-1. At
locations where the basic wind speed is not provided, use the best available locality
information. For additional guidance contact the authorizing design agency.
The wind speed data in table D-1 was derived from MILITARY HANDBOOK
1002/2A, adjusted to reflect a 50-year recurrence interval, and supplemented with
available site specific evaluations. If reliable local information is available it may be
used in lieu of the listed data with the approval of the authorizing design agency. As
better site-specific information becomes available Appendix D will be revised
accordingly. Use a minimum wind speed of 137 km/h (85 mph) at all locations
unless a lower wind speed is approved by the authorizing design agency.