UFC 3-280-04
17 DEC 2003
PURPOSE. This document provides practical guidance for the design of filtra-
tion systems to remove suspended solids from liquids. Liquid in this document means
APPLICABILITY. This UFC applies to all Service elements and all Contrac-
tors having responsibility for designs that include liquid filtration processes.
REFERENCES. Required and related publications are listed in Appendix A.
SCOPE. This UFC addresses various solidliquid filtration systems, their
associated filtration media, the use of various filtration process technologies, equipment
and component specifications and design, available manufacturers and equipment
sources, advantages and disadvantages of different filtration systems, solids disposal,
costs, operational requirements (O&M), and safety considerations. The described
equipment can be installed alone or at various stages in an overall treatment process,
depending on application-specific needs.
Applications will generally be at a flow rate of less than 15 L/s (240 gpm) with
suspended solids concentrations of less than 1000 ppm. Filtration technologies include
granular media (sand) filtration systems, ranging from pressure filtration vessels to
gravity filtration systems to continuous backwash systems, as well as systems using fil-
ter fabrics such as bag and cartridge filters. The use of precoats and filter aids are in-
cluded as applicable.
DG 1110-1-2 covers adsorption systems, which are not included herein and
which may be called filters.
BACKGROUND. The separation of solids as part of a waste treatment proc-
ess is often necessary either to provide effective treatment, to meet end use criteria, or
to comply with regulatory mandated disposal requirements. As treatment technologies
become more sophisticated and as waste disposal requirements become more strin-
gent, the need to remove solids from the waste stream has become more critical. Liquid
treated when the suspended solids are removed.