UFC 3-280-03
23 JULY 2003
Installation Requirements. The filter press and supporting systems should
be located in a covered building to avoid exposure to severe weather that could affect
sludge characteristics and the overall success of the dewatering process.
2-8.2.1 The structural load imposed on the building foundation from the filter press
can be substantial. If installed properly, the press should only exert load in the vertical
direction, with all horizontal load being maintained within its structural frame. The press
should also be aligned properly to keep the structural frame from warping and keep
anchor bolts from twisting.
2-8.2.2 Layout and access to the filter press are important design aspects because of
the weight and size of the press and the use and interrelationship of several support
systems (WEF 1992). A typical layout and building cross section for a multiple-unit filter
press dewatering system are shown in Figures 2-10 and 2-11, respectively. A typical
layout for a single press dewatering system is also presented in Figure 2-12. The size of
the press and the required clearance space govern the overall space required. A
minimum of 1.2 to 1.8 m (4 to 6 feet) should be allowed around the ends of the press,
and a typical clearance of 1.8 to 2.5 m (6 to 8 feet) is required between presses.
Storage space should be sufficient to allow room for spare filter plates, filter media, and
other spare parts. Height clearance for removal of plates should also be considered and
depends on the size of the plates, and on frame size and construction. An elevated
platform is often placed on one side of the press to allow operators to inspect the
system and to assist in sludge cake release, as required. The other side should remain
open to allow for equipment access. If multiple presses are used, a common platform
should be located between the presses.
2-8.2.3 The building layout should also be designed to allow for installation and
removal of equipment. Layout design considerations include adequately sized openings
to allow passage of major equipment components such as the fixed and moving end
and plate support bars. An additional consideration is the installation of an overhead
bridge crane, monorail, or hoist rated to carry the heaviest individual press component
during installation, repair, and removal. Typical filter press installations are also provided
on a second story or are elevated to allow direct disposal of cake into storage recep-
tacles or trucks.
2-8.2.4 If truck-loading facilities are used in the disposal processes, facilities should
be designed with ample clearance and sized for a variety of vehicles. The minimum
clearance should be 4.2 m (13.5 feet). If possible, one-way traffic or drive-through traffic
is preferred to driveways that require trucks to back in and out.