TM 5-814-7
10-1. Cost Elements
lined can have a significant effect on unit costs.
a. Cost elements for hazardous waste facilities
Polymeric membranes and natural soil materials are
usually sold at a discount when purchased in large
are based on a number of variables, including:
Regional hydrogeologic setting
(4) Site conditions.
The soil types,
Condition of the existing facility
topography and configuration of a site can influence liner
Local construction costs
installation costs. Preparation of the liner base is
Available water quality data
essential to liner effectiveness and integrity; the ease
Because of the number and complexity of the variables
with which the base can be prepared will depend on site
governing costs, the analysis is limited to typical
conditions. Whether soils for liners and earthwork must
hazardous waste land disposal/land treatment facilities,
be imported (at higher cost) will also depend on site
namely lined units.
b. Cost elements for lined hazardous waste
(5) Economic factors.
The cost of
units include materials costs for liners, underdrain
synthetic liners depends, to a large extent, on the cost of
systems, and ground-water monitoring wells; and
the petroleum used in their manufacture. Market supply
installation costs, including the costs of necessary
and demand will also influence the cost of liner materials.
equipment and labor. Since there will be considerable
variation between projects, however, a number of factors
10-2. Unit Costs
must be considered in estimating the capital cost of a
a. Unit costs for various elements of a
lined hazardous waste unit.
hazardous waste facility are presented in table 10-1.
(1) Type of liner material. Liner material
b. The costs presented in table 10-1 are
costs can vary significantly, depending on the type of
based upon standard building cost references, bid prices
liner installed, the required thickness of the liner and, in
and telephone inquiries to material suppliers. Unit costs
the case of synthetic liners, whether they are reinforced
have, in general, been expressed in ranges to account
or not. Liner type will also influence installation costs.
for the variation likely to occur from site to site. In
For example, seaming methods for synthetic liners
estimating the cost of a specific hazardous waste unit,
(solvent, heat or contact adhesive) may differ depending
the designer should consider the preliminary design
on the liner material selected; preparation of the liner
criteria as well as any site-specific factors which would
base is also different for soil liners than for synthetic
influence the cost of materials or installation.
Contingency and wastage factors should be added to the
(2) Location of the facility. The location of
cost of installation, to account for adverse weather, seam
the hazardous waste unit can affect both the cost of
overlap requirements, and other such considerations;
labor and the delivery cost for materials. Materials costs
soil shrinkage and compaction should also be factored
can also be affected by the facility location, depending on
into the cost analysis.
the availability of needed soils and aggregates.
(3) Facility size. The size of the waste unit
to be
Table 10-1.
1983 Costs
(including clearing and grubbing)
berms and levees
soil liners
Soil Import
(cost delivered)
Soil Placement
mulch and hydroseed
Filter Cloth