TM 5-814-7
(2) Estimated date(s) of partial closure.
EPA administrator or authorized state department.
c. The 30-year post-closure period may be
(3) The maximum extent of the operation
that will remain open during the life of the facility.
reduced if the owner or operator demonstrates that a
(4) Estimates of the maximum waste
shorter I time period will be sufficient to protect human
inventory in storage and in treatment at any time during
health and the environment. Conversely, the period may
the life of the facility.
(5) Procedures
data indicate a potential for harmful migration of wastes.
d. The actual contents of the post-closure plan
equipment during closure.
(6) Estimated year of final closure.
will vary with each site to reflect the degree and type of
(7) Schedule to close facility allowing 90
maintenance dictated by the facility life, the closure
days after final volume of wastes is received for
procedures, and the site's design. For most units, the
treatment, removal or onsite disposal. Closure must be
post-closure plan will include activities in two principal
completed within 180 days of receipt of last volume of
categories: (1) ground-water monitoring, and (2)
maintenance activities. Components of these plans are
(8) Procedure for updating the closure
summarized below.
Ground-Water Monitoring
-- Include a copy of ground-water monitoring and
analysis plan
9-4. Post-closure plans
-- Indicate: (a) number, location and depth of wells
a. Post-closure plans must be prepared for all
to be monitored during post closure, (b)
disposal facilities that will contain hazardous wastes after
closure. Surface impoundments permitted for storage,
procedures and analyses
i.e., those from which all wastes are to be removed at
Maintenance Activities
closure, must have not only a closure plan for waste
-- Facility inspection schedule
removal, but also contingency closure and post-closure
-- Care of cover and/or vegetation
plans to close the unit as a landfill, should complete
-- Erosion control activities
waste removal not be possible.
Likewise, if
-- Maintenance of ground-water monitoring
decontamination of a waste pile cannot be completed at
-- Collection and disposal of leachate
closure by removing the waste, waste residues,
-- Maintenance of gas control system
contaminated subsoils, structures and equipment, landfill
-- Care of security systems
closure and post-closure requirements will apply.
-- Response to unplanned events such as severe
b. The post-closure plan for a hazardous
storm erosion, drainage failure, drought or other
waste disposal unit or facility describes the owner or
occurrence that could threaten facility integrity
Within 90 days after closure is completed, a survey plat
environmental protection and physical security of the site
indicating the location and dimension of landfill cells or
for 30 years after closure. The deed of the property, or
other disposal areas, must be submitted to the EPA
other document that would be examined during a title
administrator and the local zoning authority or the
search, must alert any potential purchaser that the land
authority with jurisdiction over local land use.
has been used to manage hazardous wastes. The deed
must notify the purchaser that post-closure use must not
disturb the protective features of the site such as the
liner, cap, or monitoring systems. Any variation from this
standard requires approval of the