TM 5623
Figure B-25. Medium-severity depression.
Figure B-26. High-severity depression.
How to Measure:
Depressions are measured in square feet of surface area.
Name of Distress:
Edge Cracking.
Edge cracks are parallel to and usually within 1 to 2 feet of the outer edge of the
pavement. This distress is accelerated by traffic loading and can be caused by
frost-weakened base or subgrade near the edge of the pavement. The area
between the crack and pavement edge is classified as raveled if it breaks up
(sometimes to the extent that pieces are removed).
Severity Levels:
L-Low or medium cracking with no breakup or raveling (fig B-27).
M-Medium cracks with some breakup and raveling (fig B-28).
Figure B-27. Low-severity edge cracking.
Figure B-28. Medium-severity edge cracking.
H-Considerable breakup or raveling along the edge (figs B-29 and B-30).