UFC 3-270-06
15 March 2001
10.2.3. H. Cracks are severely spalled, causing definite FOD potential. They can be either filled
or nonfilled of any width (Figure 10.6.).
10.3. Porous Friction Course Severity Levels.
Note: these severity levels are in addition to the existing definitions.
10.3.1. L. Average raveled area around the crack is less than 1/4 inch (6.4 millimeters) wide
(Figure 10.7.).
10.3.2. M. Average raveled area around the crack is 1/4 inch (6.4 millimeters) to 1 inch (25.4
millimeters) wide (Figure 10.8.).
10.3.3. H. Average raveled area around the crack is greater than 1 inch (25.4 millimeters) wide
(Figure 10.9.).
10.4. How to Measure. Longitudinal and transverse cracks are measured in linear feet (linear
meters). The length and severity of each crack should be identified and recorded. If the crack
does not have the same severity level along its entire length, each portion of the crack having a
different severity level should be recorded separately. For an example, see Joint-Reflection
10.5. Options for Repair.
10.5.1. L. Do nothing; seal cracks over 1/8 inch (3.2 millimeters); apply rejuvenator;* surface
10.5.2. M. Seal cracks.
10.5.3. H. Seal cracks; partial-depth patch.
* Improperly applied rejuvenators or surface seals may cause skid problems on high-speed