Paver Asphalt Surfaced Airfields Pavement Condition Index (PCI) - indexChapter 1. Introduction - ufc_3_270_060013References. - ufc_3_270_060014Figure 1-2. Corrected Deduct Values for Flexible PavementsTable 1-1. Frequently Occuring Problems In Flexible Pavement Distress Identification Figure 1-3: Flexible Pavement Survey Data Sheet . Chapter 2. Definitions Of Repair Options Chapter 3. Distress 41, Alligator or Fatique Cracking Options for Repair. - ufc_3_270_060022Figure 3.1. Deduct values for Distress 41, Alligator CrackingFigure 3.2. Low-severity alligator crackingFigure 3.5. Medium-severity alligator crackingFigure 3.6. Medium-severity alligator crackingChapter 4. Distress 42, Bleeding Figure 4.1 Deduct Values for Distress 42, BleedingFigure 4.2 Bleeding Chapter 5. Distress 43, Block Cracking Options for Repair. - ufc_3_270_060032Figure 5.1. Deduct Values Distress 43, Block Cracking Figure 5.2. Low-Severity Block Cracking Figure 5.5. Medium- Severity Block Cracking Figure 5.7. High-Severity Block CrackingFigure 5-8. High- Severity Block Cracking Chapter 6. Distress 44, CorrugationTable 6-1. Measurement Criteria Figure 6.1. Illustration of Corrugation Figure 6-3. Deduct Values for Distress 44, Corrugation Chapter 7. Distress 45, Depression Table 7.1. Maximum Depth of Depresson Figure 7.1. Deduct Values for Distress 45, Depression Figure 7.2. Low Severity DepressionFigure 7.4. Medium Severity Depression Chapter 8. Distress 46, Jet Blast Erosion Figure 8.1. Deduct Values for Distress 46, Jet Blast Erosion Figure 8.2. Jet Blast Erosion Chapter 9.Distress 47, Joint- Reflection Cracking From PCC ( Longitudinal And Transverse)Options for Repair. - ufc_3_270_060054Figure 9.1. Deduct Values for Distress 47, Joint- Reflection Cracking Figure 9.2. Low-Severity Joint Reflection CrackingFigure 9.4. Medium- Seferity Joint- Reflection Cracking Chapter 10. Distress 48, Longitudinal And Tranverse Cracking ( Non- PCC Joint Reflective )Options for Repair. - ufc_3_270_060060Options for Repair. - ContinuedFigure 10.1- Deduct Values for Distress 48, Longitudinal And Transverse Cracking Figure 10.2 - Low- Severity Longitudinal CrackFigure 10.4. Medium- Sevferity Longitudinal Construction Joint Crack Figure 10.6. High - Severity, Longitudinal CrackFigure 10.8 Medium - Severity Crack PFC Pavement Chapter11. Distress 49, Oil SpillageFigure 11.1. Deduct Values for Distress 49, Oil SpillageFigure 11.2. Oil SpillageChapter 12. Distress 50, Patching And Utility Cut PatchOptions for Repair. - ufc_3_270_060072Figure 12.1. Deduct Values for Distress 50, Patching And Utility CutFigure 12.2. Low-Severity patchFigure 12.4. Medium Severity PatchChapter 13. Distress 51, Polished AggregateFigure 13.1. Deduct Values Distress 51, Polished AggregateFigure 13.2 - Polished Aggregate Chapter 14. Distress 52, Raveling And Weathering Options for Repair. - ufc_3_270_060082Figure 14.1. Deduct Values for Distress 52, Raveling/Weathering Figure 14.2. Low-Severity Raveling / Weathering Figure 14.4. Medium-Severity Raveling/Weathering Figure 14.6 - Typical PFC Surface with No Raveling And Weathering Figure 14.8. Medium-severity raveling/weathering in PFC surfaceFigure 14.10. High-severity raveling/weathering in PFC surfaceChapter 15. Distress 53, RuttingOptions for Repair. - ufc_3_270_060090Figure 15.1. Deduct Values for Distress 53, Rutting Figure 15.2. Low- Severity Rutting Figure 15.3. Low-Severity RuttingFigure 15.4. Medium - Severity Rutting Figure 15.5. Medium-Severity RuttingFigure 15.6. High- Severity Rutting Figure 15.7. High-Severity Rutting Chapter 16. Distress 54, Shoving of Asphalt Pavement by PCC Slabs Options for Repair. - ufc_3_270_060100Figure 16.1. Deduct Values for Distress 54, Shoving of Flexible Pavement by PCC SlabsFigure 16.2. Low-Severity Shove on the Outside And Medium-Severity Shove In the Middle Chapter 17. Distress 55, Slippage CrackingFigure 17.1. Deduct Curve for Distress 55, Slippage Cracking Figure 17.2. Slippage CrackingChapter 18. Distress 56, Swell Table 18.1. Swell Criteria Figure 18.1. Deduct curve for Distress 56, Swell Figure 18.2. Low- Severity Swell Figure 18.3. Medium-Severity Swell Figure 18.4. High - Severity Swell Figure 18.5. High- Severity Swell