TM 5-830-3/AFM 88-17, Chap. 3
Table 4-1. Dust palliative numbers for dust control in nontraffic area.
NOTE: Numbers refer to palliative numbers listed in table 4-4
*Hillside (ref para 2-3) applications for liquid dust palliatives should be reduced by half and
then repeated if necessary to avoid runoff/waste.
example, a dust palliative is not recommended for the
suggested rates of application for each dust palliative;
agronomic method for a loose, sand soil with no binder
gallon per square yard for liquid spray on applications,
nor is a dust palliative recommended for the surface
gallon per square yard per inch for liquid (or pound per
penetration of a firm, clay soil (tables 4-1 and 4-2). Also
square yard per inch for powders) admix applications.
the agronomic method of dust control is not
recommended for any traffic area (table 4-3). The
4-3. Application rates'
column of numbers representing dust palliatives
The application rates should be considered estimates as
identified in numerical order and separated by dust
stated above. Unfortunately the admix method and
control method in table 4-4. Included in table 4-4 is the