TM 5-830-3/AFM 88-17, Chap. 3
palliatives presented herein will not harm adjacent
4-1. General
vegetation as long as wind-drift and runoff during
a. The primary objective of a dust palliative is to
placement are prevented.
prevent soil particles from becoming airborne. Dust
palliatives may be required for the control of dust on
4-2. Selection
nontraffic or traffic areas, or both. For nontraffic, adjust
Many materials exist that are suitable as dust palliatives
palliative is needed that is capable of resisting the
for each of the four major methods given in this manual.
maximum intensity of airblast impingement caused by
The selection of a- dust control procedure limits the
weather or (nearby) aircraft. For traffic areas, a dust
number of applicable dust palliatives. For example the
palliative must withstand the abrasion of wheels (and
use of vegetation would obviously only apply to the
possibly tracks) in addition to airblast. Although a dust
agronomic method. However, some dust palliatives will
palliative may provide the necessary resistance against
not penetrate a fine grained clay and must act as a
air impingement, it may be totally unsuitable as a
surface blanket while the same material readily
wearing surface.
An important factor limiting the
penetrates coarse grained sand and gravel and
applicability of a dust palliative in traffic areas is the
consequently acts as a surface penetrant. Tables 4-1
extent of surface rutting that will occur under traffic.
through 4-4 were developed as aids for selecting a
(Rutting occurs if the bearing capacity of the soil is such
material. These tables present dust palliatives and
that the soil surface depresses or com- pacts as a result
methods proven effective through test and analysis
of vehicle traffic.) The effectiveness of a dust palliative
and/or satisfactory service in actual use. The dust
treatment is destroyed rapidly by rutting and any
palliatives and dust control methods are not listed in any
remaining dust palliative is quickly stripped from the
order of priority; the selection is left to the designer. All
ground surface.
Some palliatives will tolerate
listed dust palliatives in table 4-4 are available
deformations better than others, but normally ruts of 1 to
commercially in the continental United States. The
1-1/2 inches will result in the destruction of any treatment
application rates and the anticipated service life
b. Many times a dust palliative also functions as a
presented represent the best estimate available. The
numbers listed in vertical columns in tables 4-1:through
soil water proofer. When this occurs, the dust palliative
4-3 represent dust palliatives.
The columns are
not only prevents dust but also preserver, the in-place or
interrupted by horizontal lines to separate each dust
as-constructed soil strength during wet weather
control method. Each column appears directly below the
conditions The judicious selection of soil waterproofers is
particular soil type/soil condition applicable. Where no
beyond the scope of this manual.
c. Some dust palliatives may be harmful to
column of numbers is present, no dust palliative for that
particular dust control method is recommended. For
existing vegetation and/or make it difficult to establish
vegetation in areas previously treated. Some dust
palliatives trap soil moisture and increase soil
temperature thus promoting vegetative growth. The dust