UFC 3-260-11FA
25 May 2005
CONSTRUCTION PHASING. Construction operations in, adjacent to, or
requiring construction traffic through an airfield's air operations area (AOA) will require a
phasing plan. The purpose of the plan is to establish guidelines and constraints the
Contractor must follow during construction in these areas. This basic information for the
phasing plan must be included in the RFP:
AOA facilities that will be closed or partially closed for construction
Phasing required to maintain minimum aircraft operation with those
airfield facilities that will be opened and closed during each phase
Maximum duration of each phase (or closure)
Time allowance between phases for preparation to redirect air traffic
Requirements for temporary marking and lighting
Liquidated damages for each phase if closure and construction extend
beyond the time limit for each phase
The Contractor shall submit the phasing plan with the first design submittal and include
Contractor-furnished drawings showing phasing details and notes.
General. Safety and site security during construction is a primary
consideration. RFP Section 00120 requires Contractors to submit a safety program as
part of their management plan. RFP Section 00700 provides guidelines for accident
prevention. These two sections detail measures to prevent construction worker
accidents. On airfield projects, a safety plan is also necessary to acquaint construction
personnel with airfield operations and provide a safe environment for aircraft operations
and personnel during construction. A security plan is required to assure security at the
construction site and the air base.
Aviation Safety. RFP Section 0800 includes a standard titled "Airfield
Safety Precautions (DFARS 252.236-7005) (Dec. 1991)." This standard includes some
criteria and requirements that are not applicable to all airfields. An alternate to the use
of a standard provision regarding aviation safety is the requirement of the D-B
Contractor to develop an Aviation Safety Plan that addresses safety requirements of the
specific project. Criteria for the D-B Contractor-developed safety plan should be
included in UFGS Section 01016, Detailed Technical Requirements for Airfield Design-
GRADING. Airfields have areas that must be graded to relatively smooth
surfaces with positive drainage. These areas are defined in Table 3-1. An airfield project
may require extensive grading or grading only in limited areas. The required extent of
grading should be detailed in Section 01016.