TM 5-823-4
are used to protect ILS localizer and glide slope critical
Where used, locate the taxiway holding line on taxiway
areas as shown in figure 2-8. Pending completion of
intersections 100 feet from the structural pavement
tests and issuance of criteria for critical areas, the ILS
edge. When the taxiway is associated with a holding
critical areas should be used for microwave landing
bay, the marking may be parallel to the centerline of the
system (MLS) and interim standard MLS (ISMLS)
runway or intersecting taxiway. Details of the taxiway
facilities to insure signal protection. Where the normal
holding line are shown in figures 2-2 and 2-6. The
location of the ILS holding position marking and the
markings are not required on taxiways which are never
taxiway holding position marking falls within 25 feet of
used for crossing or access to the runway.
each other, the ILS holding position marking may be
inscription on the associated sign is the runway number.
omitted provided that the taxiway holding position
For intersections where takeoffs are conducted, the
marking is located to protect both the runway and the ILS
inscription denotes only that particular runway such as
critical area. An ILS holding position marking should
"18." For other intersections, the inscription denotes both
never be installed between a taxiway holding position
runways such as "18-36." In this example runway 18 is to
marking and a runway. The sign inscription for ILS
the left and runway 36 is to the right.
(2) ILS holding position markings. ILS
holding position markings is "ILS."
(instrument landing system) holding position markings