TM 5-823-4
and basing of either or both, fixed and rotarywing aircraft.
Purpose. Runway and taxiway markings are
b. Heliport. A facility designed and used for
essential for the safe and efficient use of airfields and
the express purpose of operation, maintenance and
heliports, and their effectiveness is dependent upon
basing of rotary-wing aircraft only.
proper markings and maintenance to maintain an
c. Helipad. A facility designed and used for
acceptable level of conspicuity. This manual provides
the express purpose of operation of rotary-wing aircraft.
criteria for marking of Army airfields, heliports, and
d. Visual runway.
A runway having no
obstructions to air navigation at Army installations within
straight-in instrument approach procedure and intended
the United States. For marking of Army airfields,
solely for the operation of aircraft using visual approach
heliports, and obstructions to air navigation located in
foreign countries, this manual will serve as the basic
e. Nonprecision instrument runway. A runway
reference consistent with host country criteria.
having an existing instrument approach procedure
utilizing air navigation facilities with only horizontal
The criteria contained herein is
guidance for which a straightin nonprecision approach
applicable to all new construction and alteration to
procedure has been approved.
existing facilities. Existing facilities will not be re-marked
Precision instrument runway. A runway
for the sole purpose of compliance with the criteria
having an existing instrument approach procedure
contained herein, but will conform to the prescribed
utilizing a precision instrument landing system.
criteria when remarked for scheduled maintenance or
g. Runway threshold.
The designated
Those facilities requiring higher standards
beginning of the runway that is available and suitable for
because of special functions, mission, structural
the landing of aircraft.
requirement, or importance of strategic value, are not
h. Displaced threshold. A threshold that is
covered in this manual. Criteria for these and further
located at a point on the runway other than the beginning
exceptions are normally contained in the design
of the full strength pavement and the paved area
between the beginning of the full strength pavement and
the displaced threshold is used for takeoff or rollout of
Exceptions. Exceptions to criteria prescribed
and defined herein will not be made without prior
Relocated threshold. A threshold that is
approval of HQDA (DAEN-ECEG) WASH DC 20314-
located at a point on the runway other than the beginning
of the full strength pavement and the paved area
between the former threshold and the relocated
Definitions. The following definitions apply to
threshold is no longer used for landing or takeoff of
terms used in this manual.
a. Airfield. A facility designed and used for the