UFC 3-260-02
30 June 2001
(8) Dry the entire specimen for determination of the water content.
(1) From the measured dimensions and weights, compute and record the initial dry
density, degree of saturation, and water content.
(2) The resilient modulus is computed and recorded for each stress state using the
following formulas:
(a) Resilient axial strain ,R = )Hr/Hi.
(b) Resilient lateral strain ,L = )Dr/Di.
(c) Deviator stress Fd = )P/AO.
(d) Resilient modulus MR = Fd/,R.
(e) Resilient Poisson's ratio <R = ,L/,R.
)Hr = resilient change in gauge height (distance between LVDT clamps) after specified
number of load repetitions.
Hi = instantaneous gauge height after specified number of load repetitions. Can be
from HO - )H. If )H is small, Ho can be used.
HO = initial gauge height or distance between LVDTs less adjustment occurring during triaxial
chamber assembly.
)H = permanent change in gauge height.
)P = change in axial load, maximum axial load minus surcharge load.
AO = original cross-sectional area of specimen.
)Dr = resilient change in diameter after specified number of load repetitions.
Di = instantaneous diameter after specified number of load repetitions. Can be calculated
from DO + )D.
Do = initial specimen diameter.
)D = permanent change in specimen diameter.