TM 5-822-2/AFM 88-7, Chap. 5
(5) Speed.
Access highways. Provisions for permanent
(6) Space allotments.
access highways and readjustment of the adjacent public
(7) Safety.
highway system to serve military installations are
b. Structural design. Structural design criteria for
covered in AR 55-80 (AFR 75-88). Since access roads
flexible and rigid pavements for roads, streets, walks,
or streets are seldom within the site limits of a military
and open storage areas are presented in TM 5-822-
installation, their design and construction are normally
5/AFM 88-7, chapter 3, TM 5-822-6/AFM 88-7, chapter
the responsibility of the state, county, or other public
Traffic. The projected volume and anticipated
Installation highways.
a. Design criteria. Design criteria for roads and
requirements for roads, streets, walks, and open storage
streets within military installations are presented herein
and in TM 5-822-5/AFM 88-7, chapter 3, TM 5-822-
composition of traffic at military installations are related
6/AFM 88-7, chapter 1.
to size, type, and mission of the installation. The type,
b. Planning. The planning of the road system is an
size, and mission of the installation provide information
integral part of installation master planning prescribed by
as to its functional requirements indicating character and
TM 5-803-1, AR 210-20, AFM 86-4, and AFM 86-6.
size of vehicles. Types of vehicles, type of terrain, and
Major objectives of master planning are the grouping of
frequency of use establish the traffic classification in
related functions reasonably close to each other and the
which roads and streets fall. The system of highway
interrelating of land-use areas for maximum efficiency
classification outlined and defined above is sufficiently
and economy of operation. The connecting road system
broad for the classification of all roads and streets within
should be planned in keeping with these objectives to
a military installation regardless of type and mission. A
minimize on-post travel and permit the optimum
classification that reflects the character of traffic is based
circulation of traffic originating both outside and within
upon the characteristics and dimensions of existing
the installation. Using the traffic studies outlined in
civilian and military vehicles. The characteristics and
Military Traffic Management Command Pamphlet No.
dimensions of military vehicles are given in TM 9-500.
55-8 to determine traffic requirements, the geometric
Military vehicles include not only wheeled vehicles but
design of highway facilities will then provide for the
also combined wheel and tracked vehicles.
It is
safest, smoothest, and most convenient traffic
essential that a thorough analysis be made of all
movement-consistent with topographical conditions and
available data relative to anticipated traffic prior to
economical construction. Existing roads and streets at
selection of the type of design to use on a particular
military installations can be classified in accordance with
project. All traffic analyses will be made in accordance
requirements presented in tables 1-1 and 1-2. The
with methods presented in Military Traffic Management
elements to be given primary consideration in such
Command Pamphlet No. 55-8.
classifications are pavement width, shoulder width,
alignment (horizontal and vertical), and passing sight
Anticipated life expectancy. In selection of
Values for these elements should be
roadway types, consideration should be given to the life
essentially equal to or greater than the minimum
expectancy of the installation served. Life expectancy of
requirements for classification assigned.
highways within permanent and established installations
should be based on 25-year occupancy with normal
Basis of design for roads, streets, and
maintenance. Temporary-type projects should use less
storage areas.
costly structures and roadway types than those used at
a. Geometric design. Geometric design criteria for
permanent installations.
roads, streets, walks, and open storage areas are
presented in paragraphs 3-1 through 3-5. The following
are the pertinent design controls:
(1) Topographic and physical features.
(2) Vehicle characteristics and dimensions.
(3) Traffic volume and composition.
(4) Capacity.