TM 5-822-2/AFM 88-7, Chap. 5
basis for selection of other parameters which will
spaced, and arranged for housing, warehousing, and
determine the operating level of service for the
storage plant or depot purposes. In the highway system
completed facility.
serving built-up areas, intersections of streets occur at
(3) Speed.
intervals /4 mile or less apart.
(2) Open areas. Open areas are all areas
(a) Design speed. This is a speed
within the site limits of a military installation but outside
determined for design and correlation of the physical
its built-up areas. Open areas are typically designated
features of a highway. It is the maximum safe speed
for training, maneuver, ammunition storage, or other
that can be maintained over a specified section of
incidental purposes.
highway when the design features of the highway
j. Types of structures.
(b) Running speed. The running speed
(1) Bridge. This is a structure which spans a
over a specific section of a highway is the distance
waterway or other opening under a highway.
(2) Culvert. Any structure not classified as a
divided by the running time. The average for all traffic, or
component thereof, is the summation of distances
bridge which provides a waterway or other opening under
divided by the summation of running times.
a highway is a culvert.
(4) Capacity. This is the maximum number of
k. Ideal conditions. Ideal conditions for two lane
vehicles which can reasonably be expected to pass
and multi-lane roads occur when no restrictive
through a given section of a lane or roadway in one
geometric, traffic, or environmental conditions are
direction (or in both directions for a two- or three-lane
present, specifically:
highway) during a given time period under prevailing
(1) Design speed greater than or equal to 60
roadway and traffic conditions. Capacity is usually an
hourly volume.
(2) Lane widths greater than or equal to 12
h. Sight distance.
(1) Stopping sight distance.
This is the
(3) Clear shoulders wider than or equal to 6
distance required by a driver of a vehicle, traveling at a
(4) No "no passing zones" on the highway.
given-speed, to bring his vehicle to a stop after an object
(5) All passenger cars in the traffic stream.
on the roadway becomes visible.
(2) Passing sight distance.
(6) A 50/50 directional split of traffic.
This is the
(7) No impediments to through traffic due to
maximum sight distance that will enable the driver of one
traffic control or turning vehicles.
vehicle to pass another vehicle safely and comfortably
(8) Level terrain.
without interfering with the speed of an oncoming vehicle
traveling at the design speed which appears after the
References. Appendix A contains a list of
i. Land-use terms.
references used in this document.
(1) Built-up areas. Built-up areas are those
within the site limits of a military installation which
contains an aggregation of buildings, reasonably closely