(2) Liquid asphalts consist of asphalt cements dissolved in petroleum
solvents and are widely used for in-place mixes and surface treatments. Liquid
asphalts are graded according to their cure rate and viscosity and are usually
designated as rapid curing (RC), medium curing (MC), and slow curing (SC). The
newer designations for liquid asphalts and their viscosities are given in
Figure 8.
Specialized Terminology for Bituminous Mixes
*Coarse aggregate
*Material larger than the No 4 sieve.
*Fine aggregate
*Material passing the No 4 sieve.
*Mineral filler
*Stone dust finer than the No 200 sieve.
*Wearing coarse
*The top layer of a tar or asphalt concrete surface.*
*Binder course
*The leveling or transition layer of tar or asphalt.*
*Prime coat
*A surface treatment of liquid asphalt applied to a *
*nonbituminous pavement is placed Purpose is to
*Tack coat
*on an existing concrete or bituminous pavement to *
*provide good bond with a superposed bituminous
*Seal coat
*A type of pavement surface treatment usually
*applied as a maintenance procedure.
*Marshall stability value*The load in pounds causing failure in a compacted *
*specimen of hot-mix asphaltic concrete when tested *
*in the Marshall apparatus.
*Total deformation in hundredths of an inch at
*point of maximum load in the Marshall Stability
*Percent voids total mix *That part of the compacted asphalt mixture not
*occupied by aggregate or asphalt, expressed in
*percent of total volume.
*Percent voids filled
*Percentage of voids in a compacted aggregate
* with asphalt
*mass that are filled with asphalt cement.
*Optimum bitumen content *The percentage of bitumen satisfying mix
*design criteria for Marshall Stability
*Design Procedure.
*The relative hardness or consistency of an
*asphalt cement Measured by the distance a
*standard needle will penetrate vertically
*into a sample of asphalt under known
*conditions of temperature, loading, and time.
*A measure of the ability of a bitumen to
*flow at a given temperature The stiffer the
*bitumen the higher the viscosity.