TM 5-822-11/AFP 88-6, Chap. 7
conducted several times under varying
be discovered until final inspection.
circumstances. It is essential that the procedure be
d. One technique that can be used to identify
established the first day of the project and that the
deficiencies is to identify each step of the joint
inspector is present continually so that problems
sealing operation with a separate paint color de-
can be corrected as they occur. This will help
noting the problem found. A sample program
reduce conflicts created when the contractor is
might use the following:
required to remove an inferior product that was
(1) Orange--improper joint size.
placed when the inspector was not present.
(2) Red--joint not properly cleaned.
c. Continual observation of the work being
(3) Yellow--repairs must be made to the
performed ensures the contractor is following the
joint before sealing.
quality control plan and may decrease the amount
(4) Brown--improper sealing technique,
of testing and examination required by the inspec-
joint overfilled, underfilled, improper backer
tor. Because all operations described in this sec-
material, tacky or uncured sealant.
tion occur at the same time, the inspector must
(5) Green--contractor has corrected the
continually move from one operation to another.
problem area and the inspector should reexamine
The contractor must be advised at the preconstruc-
the joint or crack for approval.
tion meeting that the contractor is required to
e. The inspector must not do the quality
repair anything that is found out of specification
control work for the contractor, but quality
regardless of when the error is found; for
assurance work must be done daily.
example, a joint that is not wide enough may not