TM 5-822-11/AFP 88-6, Chap. 7
6-1. Plans, Specifications, and Con-
specified. This is needed when removing sealant to
a specified depth. If the sealant is to be removed
a. General. The inspector must be familiar
full depth or there is no sealant remaining in the
with all documents prepared for a particular
joint, the depth to which the backer material is to
sealing project. The documents should be
be inserted must be specified.
considered to be a set of instructions that the
(4) Specify the type of sealant material re-
inspector uses to evaluate the project since they
contain the information that the inspector must
(5) When more than one preparation
apply to the project to evaluate the quality of work
process, reservoir size, or sealant type is required,
being performed. The contractor should also have
state the amount of lineal footage of each and
these documents and should be performing the
show the location on the plans.
same type of evaluation on the work as part of the
(6) Acceptance or rejection criteria and
quality control program. The application of
inspection guidelines should be outlined in the
standards must be consistent from both the
inspector and the contractor. The topics in this
(7) The standard military construction con-
section serve as highlights and background
tracts contain a 1 year "Warranty of Construction"
information on the specific items the inspector will
clause. This clause should be used to ensure the
find in the documents to support the sealant
sealant performance is satisfactory. For the clause
to be legally binding, the defects and failures of
b. Plans. The plans show the location of all
sealant performance must be defined. The
sealing. When different sealant reservoir sizes,
following is an example of what the completed
preparation methods, or sealant types are re-
joint sealant installation should accomplish:
quired, the sealant project should be subdivided
(a) Help prevent water infiltration
for each change. The plans should identify the
through the joint or crack.
typical existing joint reservoir size and shape and
(b) Prevent intrusion of incompressibles
the required final reservoir size and shape for each
into the joint or crack.
phase or subdivision of the project. An estimated
(c) No adhesion failure (loose bond with
lineal footage for each type of sealant should also
the sidewalls of the joint or crack).
be included in the plans.
(d) No cohesion failure (splitting or
c. Specifications. The project specifications
should be prepared using the applicable guide
(e) No excessive bubbling or blisters. In
specifications as much as possible. Several items
some cases, surface bubbles may be acceptable to
need to be covered in detail to make sure that all
the finished product; however, bubbles that have
contractors bid on the same basis, and all inspec-
a depth of greater than 1/8 inch are not acceptable.
tion of the job is consistent. These items include
(f) Remain resilient and capable of rejecting
the following:
incompressibles at all pavement temperatures.
(1) The exact shape factor, sealant type,
(g) Not be picked up by or tracked on
and size of the existing joints or cracks should be
adjacent horizontal pavement surfaces by rubber-
shown as well as the shape factor and size of the
tired vehicle traffic, pedestrian traffic, or the
finished joint or crack.
action of a power vacuum rotary brush pavement
(2) If sawing the joints is required, it must
cleaning equipment after the specified cure time.
be specifically stated. If sawing is not required,
(h) Provide a finish exposed joint
the method to prepare the joint or crack before
surface that is nontacky and will not permit the
sealing should be stated. Acceptable alternatives
adherence of dust, dirt, small stones, and similar
can also be provided in the specifications. When
providing alternatives, an important consideration
Repairs to joints or cracks that are
is to determine if the desired result can be
required before sealing should be specified.
obtained using the method.
6-2. Equipment Used.
(3) When resealing, the procedures
required to separate the old sealant below the
a. Joint Plow. If a joint plow is being used,
desired shape factor from the new sealant must be
sufficient cutting tools of various widths must be