TM 5-822-9/AFM 88-6, Chap.10
e. Moving sensitized persons. Remove from
(8) Thorough instruction to the inspectors and
foremen concerning the danger of working with
exposure individuals who develop sensitivity to any
resins and hardeners, the nature of skin irritation,
of the epoxy system constituents. The limiting or
and measures to be taken to avoid skin irritation is
complete removal of subsequent contact with mate-
rials will be made by a competent physician or
(9) Work rooms should be provided with new,
f Obtaining further information on health fac-
unused cleaning rags.
b. Personal sensitivity. A few individuals have
tors. HQDA (CEEC-S), WASH, DC 20314-1000,
developed dermatitis from skin contact of epoxy
will be available to provide technical occupational
resin components and cleaning solvents (toluene,
health consulting service and guidance to field
xylene, and other aromatic petroleum solvents);
activities. In accordance with Federal Standard No.
therefore, adequate precautionary measures should
313, hazardous material identification data sheets
be exercised. Epoxy resin systems containing poly-
are required for all materials which, because of their
sulfide curing agents have an obnoxious odor from
potentially dangerous nature, require control to
the polysulfide constituent which may nauseate
assure adequate safety to life and property.
some individuals. Inhalation of the vapors should be
Materials safety data sheets are available at the
avoided or kept to an absolute minimum. The
following addresses:
amine-type curing agents incorporated in the epoxy
resin system are caustic and may cause tissue
Commanding General
damage upon direct contact with the skin. Con-
Army Materiel Command (DRCSF-S)
tamination of the eye by the curing agent compo-
5001 Eisenhower Avenue
nent can cause severe damage, and exposure to
Alexandria, VA 22304
high vapor concentrations may also irritate the eyes
and mucous membranes.
Commanding Officer
c. First aid. Provide necessities for prompt
Navy Fleet Material Support Office
treatment of accidental skin or eye contact.
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
(1) Eyes. In cases of accidental skin contami-
nation, immediately and thoroughly flush the af-
Commanding General
fected eye for at least 15 minutes with running
Air Force Logistics Command (DSPX)
water, bathe the eye with a normal saline solution,
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433
and see a physician if there is any possibility of
potential eye damage.
(2) Skin. Cleanse all areas thoroughly with soap
Defense Supply Agency (DSAH-OW)
and water following accidental skin contact. If
Cameron Station
necessary, fresh alcohol, acetone, toluene, or
Alexandria, VA 22314
methyl-ethyl-ketone may be used as a solvent, but
the use of such solvents should be kept to a
General Services Administration Federal Supply
minimum. In cases of spills, clothing which may be
Service (FMH)
involved should be immediately removed and
Washington, DC 20406
21. Information. HQDA (CEEC-EG), WASH,
decontaminated in the manner described herein for
DC 20314-1000, will be advised by the divisions
d. Removing source of contact. If a worker
concerning all contemplated pavement repairs of
develops dermatitis, the source of contact should be
the type described herein. This maybe accomplished
determined and eliminated. Treatment of such a
by copies of correspondence, teletypes, or
condition should be handled by a competent physi-
cian or dermatologist, with full information being
of contemplated application other than described
furnished as to the probable cause of the
herein, full information will be furnished to HQDA
(CEEC-EG) for approval prior to the initiation of
the work.