TM 5-822-9/AFM 88-6, Chap.10
interval over which protection against traffic is to
the repair of spalls as described in paragraph 13.
be maintained will vary with weather conditions,
Because the FCC mass is much greater than that of
but will usually be less than 24 hours.
the epoxy resin concrete, the heat generated by the
19. Cleaning of equipment and tools.
epoxy binder will be diffused rapidly; the thickness
Because of the nature of the hardened epoxy resin
of the courses placed may be increased to 6 inches.
systems, all tools and equipment must be
In some climatic areas or under certain weather
thoroughly cleaned before the epoxy materials set.
conditions where pavement temperatures may be
Toluene, xylene, or other aromatic petroleum
relatively high, it may be advisable to place thinner
solvents must be used with proper precautions
courses to avoid cracking. The thickness of courses
concerning the fire and/or explosion hazard. In the
and time interval between courses should be such
cleaning operations the workmen must wear
that the temperature of the epoxy resin concrete
solvent-resistant gloves and aprons, and the use of
never exceeds 140 degrees F during hardening. The
protective creams is desirable. Cleaning should be
peak temperature of the epoxy resin concrete can
done in a well ventilated area or respirators should
be determined by placing the epoxy resin concrete
be used in a closed area.
into a container, such as a can or pail approximately
20. Safety and health precautions. a.
the same diameter as the core hole, and measuring
General precautions. The materials used in the two
the temperature with a thermometer. The groove
epoxy systems and the solvents used for cleanup do
not ordinarily present a serious health hazard
formed in the routing operation will be sealed with
except to hypersensitive individuals. Materials may
an appropriate type of joint sealant in accordance
be handled with complete safety if adequate precau-
with accepted methods for sealing pavements.
tionary measures, such as the following, are ob-
17. Procedure for condition 7. The repairs
required under condition 7 do not use epoxy resin
(1) Handle only in well ventilated areas.
(2) Prevent skin contact.
18. Protection of repaired areas from
(3) Wear neoprene or other suitable impervious
weather and traffic. Repaired areas should be
gloves whenever the possibility of skin contact
protected as follows:
occurs. When gloves become contaminated, they
a. Temperature. Pavement repairs made when
should be discarded or reconditioned by washing
ambient temperatures during the following 24 hours
with soap and water, preferably while they are still
may be 60 degrees F or lower require limited
on the hands of the operator. Gloves should be
protection to maintain the epoxy concrete or mortar
dried and kept in a clean place. Powdering the
at temperatures which will provide a normal
inside of the gloves with talcum is recommended.
hardening rate. The use of tarpaulins supported
Contaminated gloves, aprons and sleeves, clothing,
several inches above the surface of the repaired
and working tools shall not be removed from the
area will help to maintain the desired conditions,
work area, except for discarding or cleaning.
provided the temperature difference or drop is not
(4) Protective ointments or proprietary creams
too great. Heated enclosures may also be used to
should be applied to exposed skin surfaces before
provide effective temperature conditions (para 7).
beginning work and should be removed by washing
b. Water. The epoxy resin grout and binder will
after the work is completed.
bond to a damp concrete surface, but greater bond
(5) Wear full face shields or goggles during the
strengths are obtained when the surface is dry. The
blending and mixing operations. WARNING:
epoxy resin systems should not be applied to a
Goggles must be worn to protect eyes from the
concrete surface containing excessive moisture.
epoxy resin system. Goggles are mandatory for
Excessive moisture may be detected by tightly
persons doing the blending and mixing operations,
covering the surface with a transparent plastic film.
but the hazard is reduced for persons engaged in
If no moisture has accumulated under the film after
the placing operations.
24 hours, capillary moisture may be considered
(6) Restrict blending and mixing operations to
insufficient to adversely affect the bond. During the
the open areas or, if in a building, near an operating
early hardening stages, which may vary from 2 to
hood ventilating system. Use disposable paper
12 hours depending upon weather conditions, the
coverings in the work area where drips or
epoxy resin mortars and concretes should be
protected from rain.
(7) Maintain good housekeeping and personal
c. Traffic. The repaired areas should be barri-
hygiene standards. DANGER: SOLVENTS ARE
caded to prohibit traffic of all types until the epoxy
resin concrete or mortar has hardened. The time