TM 5-822-5/AFM 88-7, Chap. 1
f. Pavement center line. Tied longitudinal con-
If it is desired to use reinforcing steel having a yield
strength other than this value, the maximum
traction joints are also required at the center line of
allowable slab width or length can he determined
reinforced concrete pavements when the width of
from equation 16-1.
the pavement exceeds the allowable length of slab
L for the percentage of steel reinforcement being
used. When such joints are required, the steel
reinforcement should he broken at the joint, and e-
inch-diameter tie bars 30 inches long and spaced
30-inch center to center are used.
e. Two traffic lanes. For reinforced concrete
16-2. Joint Sealing.
pavements where two traffic lanes are placed as a
Joint sealing for reinforced concrete pavements will
single paving lane, a longitudinal contraction joint
be the same as for plain concrete pavements (see
should be provided at the center line of the paving
para 15-5). The use of preformed compression
lane to control cracking. In these joints, the rein-
sealants will be required when the joint spacing
forcing steel is carried through the joint, and tie bars
exceeds 50 feet.
are not required.