TM 5-822-5/AFM 88-7, Chap. 1
a. Unscheduled joints. All joints falling at a point
15-2 for the design thickness will be used in the
other than a regularly scheduled transverse
d. Transverse contraction joints. Transverse
contraction joint will be doweled with the exception
of the thickened-edge type. One end of the dowel
contraction joints in reinforced concrete pavements
will be painted and oiled to permit movement at the
should be constructed across each paving lane, per-
pendicular to the pavement center line, and at in-
b. Thickened-edge-type joints. Thickened-edge-
tervals of not less than 25 feet nor more than 75
type joints will not be doweled. The edge will be
feet. The maximum allowable slab width or length
thickened to 125 percent of the design thickness.
for reinforced concrete pavements is a function of
c. Transverse construction joint. When a trans--
the effective frictional restraint developed at the
verse construction joint is required within a rein-
interface between the slab and subgrade, the per-
forced concrete slab unit, not at a regularly sched-
centage of steel reinforcing used in the slab, and the
uled contraction joint location, the reinforcing steel
yield strength of the steel reinforcing. Allowable
will be carried through the joint. In addition, dowels
slab widths or lengths can be determined directly
meeting the size and spacing requirements of table
from figure 13-2 for yield strengths of 60,000 psi.