UFC 3-240-13FN
25 May 2005
Boiler Capacity Rating. Boiler capacity rating is given as units of either
boiler horsepower, kilograms of steam per second (pounds per hour), or kilowatts
(British thermal units [BTU] per hour), specifically: 1) one boiler horsepower unit reflects
the energy to convert 15.7 kilograms (34.5 pounds) of water to steam from (and at) 100
C at sea level, which is equivalent to 9.812 kilowatts (33,479 BTU per hour);
2) kilogram of steam produced per second (pound of steam produced per hour)
represents the number of kilograms of water used each second (pound per hour) to
produce the steam; and 3) kilowatts (3,413 BTUs per hour) reflect the energy needed to
evaporate the water (produce steam) each hour. The actual quantity of steam produced
will vary depending on the boiler efficiency, boiler operating pressure, and altitude with
respect to sea level.
Components of a Steam Boiler System. The functional components of
steam boiler systems vary from one system to another based on a variety of design,
engineering and service requirements. The typical components that may be included in
a specific unit are illustrated in Figure 3-3 and are briefly described in paragraphs
3-1.2.1 through 3-1.2.5.