TM 5-814-5
3/16 of an inch. However, to prevent undue stress
construction on the site is not contemplated before
on the liner the aggregate must be separated from
the refuse has fully stabilized.
e. Access Road. The access road should not
the liner by a layer of sand or permeable soil.
cross completed cells. An all-weather road should
(4) To minimize erosion the top grade must be
not cross completed cells. An all-weather road
sloped in accordance with local design standards to
should parallel the trench outside the landfill area.
form a crown (a 2 percent slope is common). Side
Branch roads should lead into the trench to the base
slopes should be 3:1 or flatter. (See fig 3-6).
of the working face. Generally, the branch road will
Drainage ditches around the perimeter of the
come down the slope of the cell under construction
landfill should carry stormwater away from the
and cross the berm to the working cell.
landfill quickly and should not cross over the
3-6. Leachate Control.
landfill. Windbreaks at slopes facing prevailing
winds can be used to minimize wind erosion.
a. General.
d. Ultimate Use of a Landfill Site. The use
(1) Leachate is a liquid generated as a result of
which is to be made of the landfill site after closure
percolation of water or other liquid through
should be decided during the initial planning stage.
landfilled waste, and compression of the waste as
Uses which are typical at military installations are
the weight of overlying materials increases. Lea-
playgrounds, parks, and other recreational purposes
chate is considered to be a contaminated liquid,
during the near term, and parking areas or light
since it contains many dissolved and suspended
industry following stabilization. Construction on a
materials. Good management techniques that can
completed landfill should not be programmed until
limit adverse impact of leachate on ground and
site and subsurface investigations have verified that
surface waters include control of leachate produc-
damaging settlement or gas generation would not
tion and discharge from a landfill, and collection of
occur. Installation master plans will be used in
the leachate with final treatment and/or disposal.
siting a proposed sanitary landfill to assure that