TM 5-814-5
2-1. Feasibility Investigation.
garbage. This rate is based on effective population,
which is the sum of the resident population plus
The feasibility report for a new sanitary landfill
one-third of the nonresident employees. For indus-
should summarize the findings from an investigation
trial facilities, an analysis of the operation is
of factors discussed herein, and should include
advantages and costs of waste recycling, volume
c. Operational Equipment The using service can
reduction, and waste minimization. The options for
provide information on the equipment to be used,
a new landfill must be investigation; these options
both for collection and delivery, and sanitary landfill
include prolonging the life of an existing landfill,
operation. This will include any planned changes in
alternate disposal methods, and use of regional or
equipment. The capabilities of this equipment must
private facilities. Army policy is to participate in
be considered in evaluating factors such as access
municipal or regional solid waste management
roads, grades, drainage, and operation in severe
programs and to use municipal, regional, or private
contractors for solid waste services whenever the
d. Operational Methods. The two most com-
life cycle cost (LCC) of such services is less than
monly used methods of operating a landfill are the
125 percent of the LCC of Army owned and
area method and the trench method. Selection of
operated services. There should also be definite
the most appropriate method depends on local
environmental advantages to the Army. In those
conditions. In the area method, waste is placed in a
cases where an installation sanitary landfill is
large open excavation, is spread and compacted,
recommended, plans will be included which show
and then covered with suitable material. The trench
existing conditions and final conditions, the topog-
method takes its name from the fact that waste is
raphy at the landfill site, surface drainage, quantity
dumped into a trench and then covered with
and location of cover material, supporting facility
material from the trench excavation. Typical area
requirements, and recommended operational
and trench operations are shown in figures 2-1 and
procedures covered in TM 5-634. Environmental
2-2. Detailed procedures are contained in TM 5-
documentation must be prepared in accordance
634 and DA Pam 420-47. The expense of lining
with AR 200-2. Most states also have their own
side slopes generally makes the trench method less
procedures for documenting the feasibility of a
desirable than the area method. The design
landfill project and site.
presented in this manual is a combination of the
area and trench methods.
2-2. Operational Data for Planning.
a. General. Every effort should be made to
2-3. Site Selection.
maintain design intent during the operation of the
a. Planning. Site selection is very much a part of
landfill. Operational data which will be provided
the design process, and could be considered the
by the using service will include a detailed de-
most critical step in establishing a landfill disposal
scription of mechanical equipment to be used for
facility. Landfill siting must be a balance between
handling refuse and operating the landfill, and the
minimizing haul distances, which impacts the
methods of solid waste placement that will be used.
economics of the landfill, and maximizing distances
b. Waste Characteristics. The using service
from housing areas, inhabited buildings and other
should have data on the solid waste for which
undesirable locations. Larger installations may
disposal is required, including the types of waste,
require more than one landfill when justified by
the amounts, and the variations in delivery rates.
savings resulting from reduced haul distances. It is
When possible, the information should be based on
recommended that a preliminary closure plan be
an analysis of solid wastes from the installation on
drafted prior to the site selection to ensure that the
which the project is to be located, or from a similar
closure is considered. There are many uses for
installation. For new installations, an analysis can be
properly closed landfill sites. These include many
made based on the population to be served and
areas of interest to an installation, such as
other major sources of solid waste. The daily per
recreational parks, parade grounds, and parking
capita quantity of solid waste for troop facilities is
typically 4 to 6 pounds of combined refuse and