TM 5-814-2/AFM 88-11, Vol. 2
required utilities such as electric power, potable water,
Service area. The requirement that an area be
fire protection, gas, steam and telephone service.
served by a wastewater pumping facility will in most
cases be determined by topography. Building and grade
elevations in the area generally will be too low for proper
Building and site requirements
a. Floor and building elevations.
The invert
gravity drainage to an existing or proposed sewer
system, or waste treatment facility. Thus, collection and
elevations of incoming sewers will determine the depths
pumping of wastes from these low lying areas will be
of underground portions (substructure) of the pumping
necessary. In addition to topographic considerations,
station. It is common practice to set the maximum
natural boundaries like waterways, rivers, streams, etc.,
liquid level in the wet well equal to the 80-90 percent
and property lines of Federal, state and local
flow depth of the lowest incoming sewer. Subsurface
jurisdictions, also play a role in determining the size and
and soil conditions at the site will dictate the structural
limits of service areas.
design, excavation depths, and top of footing elevations
required for the foundation. Surface conditions such as
adjacent buildings and site grading will determine the
Site selection.
The location of pumping
elevations of floors above ground (superstructure),
facilities within a service area will be based primarily on
except that the elevation of the ground floor will be set
topographic considerations and the need to provide for
above the maximum expected flood level.
future development. Pump stations will be located so
b. Architectural and landscaping. For pumping
that all points within the intended service area can be
stations located in built-up areas, the architectural
drained adequately by gravity sewers. Any planned
exterior of the buildings should be made similar to, or
development within the service area, such as
compatible with, surrounding buildings.
When the
construction of new buildings or modifications to existing
station is located in a remote area, building appearance
ones, or any projected shifts in population and/or
is not important, but the possibility of future
workforce will be considered. This type of information is
development in the vicinity will be considered. Pump
generally obtained from the installation master plans, or
stations and facilities will be provided with fencing where
from personnel staffing requirements. It is a relatively
necessary to prevent vandalism, and to protect people
simple matter to design a pumping station with capacity
for future development by providing room for additional
switching equipment.
Landscaping should be
or larger pumps, motors, impellers, etc. However, the
considered in built-up areas, and will be required in
physical location of the station is more critical since it
residential communities.
Where stations must be
cannot be moved to accommodate new buildings or
constructed in close proximity to residences or other
population increases. The following general guidelines
quarters, buffer zones of planted shrubbery should be
for site selection and location of pumping stations will be
provided for noise reduction.
c. Access.
All pump stations will be readily
-Pumping facilities will not be constructed
beneath buildings, streets, roadways, railroads, aircraft
accessible from an improved road. For stations that are
aprons or runways, or other major surface structures, to
not enclosed, access will be provided for direct
the maximum extent practical.
maintenance from a truck equipped with hoist
-Pump stations will not be located closer than
attachments. For enclosed stations, provisions will be
500 feet to buildings, or other facilities to be occupied by
included in the structure to facilitate access for repair,
humans, unless adequate measures are provided for
and to provide a means for removal and loading of
odor and gas control.
equipment onto a truck.
-Pumping stations at wastewater treatment
facilities will normally be located adjacent to, or in
connection with, other plant elements as required for
proper functioning of the treatment systems.
-The location of pumping stations will be made
with proper consideration given to the availability of