EI 11C302
1 October 1997
a. In many cases interest in resource recovery is stimulated by a need to abandon the
current system, such as an incinerator with excessive emissions or a landfill reaching capacity.
In cases such as these, the program manager has two concurrent tasks.
(1) The first is to plan for the shorter-term phase-over solid waste management
(2) The second is to plan for the long-term resource recovery program.
b. Although phase-over planning is required immediately, it should progress along with
and be compatible with the long-term planning represented by this Management Model. While
the two planning functions are often concurrent and some of their respective activities may be
interdependent, the two planning activities may be separate and distinct. Where possible, the
same project manager or task force should be involved in both activities. The primary focus is
to avoid actions of a short term or phase-over nature that are inconsistent with the long-range
c. It is not the purpose of this Model to address phase-over planning. While the need for
this planning, as well as points of interdependence (e.g., site selection and size, residual
disposal), are acknowledged the Management Model is designed primarily to assist the project
manager in implementation of only the resource recovery program. Concurrent functions,
scheduling constraints, and other problems facing the municipality must be resolved by the
project manager responsible for the function.
A-12. PROJECT COMMUNICATIONS. There is a need in every project, because of the time
that may elapse between project phases, to maintain contact with members of the participating
organizations, especially during periods of low activity. For example, after letters of intent are
received from markets, time passes while public presentations and political decisions are
made. Project momentum should be continued by the project manager, and continuous
contact should be maintained with markets and member municipalities so that they are kept
constantly up to date and interest and desire for participation is not lost.
Activity Index
Phase 0 - Conduct initial Resource Recovery Feasibility Screening.
Complete Overview of Phase 0.
Evaluate Non-Recovery Disposal Options and Associated Environmental Issues.
Sample Citizen and Political Interest.
Conduct Preliminary Market Survey.