EI 11C302
1 October 1997
2-1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Project management's role in waste management planning
activities is critical when incineration is being considered as an alternative, as municipal waste
combustor projects bring together and focus the concerns of multiple agencies within federal,
state, and local governments as few projects can.
2-2. ENVIRONMENTAL AND TECHNICAL COORDINATION. Incineration projects require
close coordination between the environmental regulations and the technical requirements of
the project. Assumptions used in environmental assessments must be coincidental with the
technology used and ultimately the performance of the equipment which becomes integral to
the plant.
2-3. DESIGN TEAM. The design team will by necessity consist of more individual technical
disciplines than traditional facility design. Environmental engineers and biologists will need to
rely on emission, discharge, and other technical data provided by the plant/equipment
designers, just as the plant/equipment designers will need to have performance parameters
which, for environmental assessment needs, may exceed nominal regulatory limits.
2-4. FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Under 40 CFR, the following regulations must be
Subchapter C - Air Programs
Part 50, National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards
Part 51, Requirements for Preparation, Adoption and Submittal of Implementation Plans
Part 52, Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans Part 60, Subpart Ca, Emissions
Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal Waste Combustors
Part 60, Subpart E, Standards of Performance for Incinerators
Part 60, Subpart Ea, Standards of Performance for Municipal Waste Combustors
Part 60, Subpart Eb, Standards of Performance for Municipal Waste Combustors for Which
Construction is Commenced After September 20, 1994.
Subchapter D - Water Programs
Part 122, EPA Administered Permit Programs: The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
Part 125, Criteria And Standards For The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA)
Subchapter I - Solid Wastes
Part 240, Guidelines For The Thermal Processing Of Solid Wastes
Part 241, Guidelines For The Land Disposal Of Solid Wastes
Part 246, Source Separation For Materials Recovery Guidelines
Part 260, Hazardous Waste Management System: General