TM 5-814-8
effluent limitation are referred to as "water
promulgated. U.S. EPA permit writers are in-
quality limited segments" and the effluent limita-
structed to use "engineering judgment" in estab-
tions determined for these discharges are referred
lishing similar effluent limitations for those indus-
to as water quality-based limitations.
t r i a l categories w h i c h have no guidelines
c. Technology-based limitations for industry.
established. For municipal dischargers, U.S. EPA
The 1972 amendments to the Clean Water Act
has established a definition of "secondary treat-
specified that industries must employ "best prac-
ment" which essentially defines a level of technol-
ticable control technology currently available"
ogy which must be applied for the treatment of
(BPCTCA or BPT) as a minimum level of treat-
these wastewaters. These effluent limitations es-
ment no later than July 1, 1977 and that wastes
tablish a minimum level of treatment acceptable
must be treated using "best available technology
for direct discharge to waterways.
economically achievable" (BATEA or BAT) by
Table 4-1. NPDES primary industry categories*
July 1, 1984. The 1977 amendments to the Act
Adhesives and Sealants
substantially revised requirements for achieving
Aluminum Forming
treatment levels in excess of BPT. As of the time
Auto and Other Laundries
of this document publication, two bills were under
Battery Manufacturing
consideration in Congress (HR 3282, Water Qual-
Coal Mining
Coil Coating
ity Renewal Act and S 431, Clean Water Act
Copper Forming
amendments) to reauthorize the Clean Water Act.
Electrical and Electronic Components
The levels of treatment required according to the
technology-based standards for industries and the
dates by which these levels of treatment will be
Gum and Wood Chemicals
required are summarized below.
Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing
(1) Best practicable technology was required
Iron and Steel Manufacturing
of all industries by July 1, 1977. U.S. EPA has
Leather Tanning and Finishing
defined BPT as "the average of the best existing
Mechanical Products Manufacturing
performance by well-operated plants within each
Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing
Ore Mining
industrial category or sub-category". BPT empha-
Organic Chemicals Manufacturing
sizes end-of-pipe treatment technologies, but can
Paint and Ink Formulation
also include alternative in-plant modifications to
reduce pollutant discharges. In determining BPT
Petroleum Refining
requirements, U.S. EPA was instructed to strike
Pharmaceutical Preparations
Photographic Equipment and Supplies
a balance between the total cost of treatment and
Plastics Processing
the benefits of effluent reductions achieved.
Plastic and Synthetic Materials Manufacturing
(a) BPT as well as BAT regulations set
Porcelain Enameling
effluent limitations for total toxic organics (TTO)
Printing and Publishing
which is defined by the regulations as the summa-
Pulp and Paper Mills
Rubber Processing
tion of all values greater than 0.01 mg/L of the
Soap and Detergent Manufacturing
toxic organics listed in table 4-2. The regulations
Steam Electric Power Plants
indicate that the control authority (State or
Textile Mills
Federal) may eliminate monitoring for TTO upon
Timber Products Processing
certification of the discharge that concentrated
*Effluent guidelines have been and will be established for
toxic organics have not been dumped into the
categories in addition to the primary industries.
wastewater and that a solvent management plan
Source: "NPDES Permits Regulations", 40 CFR Part 122,
is followed. However, to eliminate monitoring
Appendix A.
requirements, the discharger must submit a sol-
b. Water quality limitations. In addition to
vent management plan that specifies the toxic
meeting the minimum level of treatment estab-
organic compounds used, the method of disposal
lished by the technology-based effluent limita-
used instead of dumping and the procedures
tions, all discharges must, according to Section
employed to prevent discharge into the waste-
302 of the Act, be of sufficient quality to provide
water. If monitoring is required it would be
for the attainment or maintenance of stream
limited to the specific compounds likely to be
water quality to protect downstream uses as
established by the State regulatory agency. Por-
(b) At the time this manual was written,
tions of streams which have insufficient assimila-
BPT Standards were available for the following
tive capacity to accept a waste discharge treated
point-source discharge categories of concern.
to the level required by the technology-based