EI 11C103
1 March 1997
Whether construction drawings and specifications or performance specifications or prepared for bids, the
Government, as the owner, is responsible for providing specific information to the contractor. The owner's
and engineer's responsibilities are given in the applicable AWWA standards and manuals. The contractor
is expected to be aware of AWWA standards and federal laws but the bid document must provide local
codes and regulations or more stringent loading criteria (water, snow, wind and live loads). Other
information to be incorporated in bid documents include:
- the acceptable types of tanks, tank walls, and roofs
- borings and geotechnical information needed for design of foundations
- whether or not local officials, other than the Contracting Officer's representative, will inspect the
disinfection process and/or take water samples for testing (provide notification requirements).
The Government is also responsible for furnishing an adequate supply of potable water at the proper
pressure for filling the tank.