EI 11C103
1 March 1997
a. General. Economic analyses of storage requirements could guide decisions on the implementing or
postponing of expenditures for new transmission mains, the constructing of booster pumping facilities to
increase transmission main capacities instead of adding new mains, the increasing of the quantity of
within a distribution system, and the providing of elevated storage or ground storage with booster pumping
b. Distribution storage. Distribution storage is intended to meet peak flow requirements or emergency
needs, maintain system pressures, and thus reduce the required capacities of the treatment plant and
pump stations. The design of storage facilities, in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2, will be determined
by feasibility studies which take into account all engineering, economic, energy, and environmental factors.
Analysis will be in accordance with AFR 178-1 for Air Force projects and AR 11-28 for Army projects.